Chapter 50.

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''How was it talking to Liam?'' I stop by his words. How does he know I've been with Liam, has he been following me around? No wonder if he has.

''Uhm great, I guess. How do you know that I've been talking to Liam?'' I can't help but question him. He isn't answering. 

He looks down and bite his tongue, or his cheek I can't really tell, but one thing that I can tell is that he is embarrassed or ashamed of his answer. Yes, he has definitely been following me around. I'm not a kid anymore for god sake and I am also older than him, so it should be me keeping an eye on him. Not him spying on me. 

''Joe?'' I place my hands on my hips in an attempt to look serious.


''Have you been following me around town?'' He looks up and lifts his shoulders.

Oh my god, he has. He is struggling to find words to explain his stupid actions, his hands is in front of him, trying to look like he wants to be forgiven. There's nothing to forgive, he haven't actually done anything wrong, I mean like it is not right to spy on people, but I am after all his sister and he just wants to protect me. How comes it that I haven't seen him? I surely doesn't hope he had Harry spying on me for him because that didn't end well. Harry is just a dick and I don't really want to have anything to do with him ever again. He's messed with my feelings for way too long and he doesn't even bother to apologize.

I don't understand myself sometimes. Like I fell asleep on the way home from the library and I had the sickest dream. Harry was kneeling on the floor with tears streaming down his face and a broken piece of glass in his hands. He had multiple cracks on his chest and there was blood everywhere. As soon as he laid his eyes on me he ran in my directions, arms open ready to hug me. I remember that I nearly fell backwards. I almost laugh at the thought but I know that Joe would question why I'm laughing, ugh. Harry spun me around the room, kissing me passionate. It felt so real. He told me that his chest wasn't in pain and I believed him, he sounded so trustful and happy. A side of Harry I've never seen before and it is definitely the best version of him I've ever seen. I remember him yelling at me to wake up and I didn't understand him, I thought that I was already awake but suddenly my vision just went black and all I could hear was a couple of boys laughter. When I opened my eyes I was the bus and some boys from a year above me was sat in the back laughing, whispering and pointing at me. One of the boys came down to me and sat down next to me, asking for my number. I gave him the number, even though he seems like the sickest pervert ever, but he was hot so who cares?

''Seriously Joe? I can't take a step out of this house without you watching me every second?'' I sigh.

''Yes El, you can. I was just afraid that he would hurt you.''

''Why would he hurt me?'' Liam is probably the most caring guy I've ever met, he wouldn't even think about hurt me.

''I know what he's told you and I know how broken you were. I couldn't risk it.'' 

''Listen Joe. I'm an adult, I don't need my baby brother to walk me around town like I was an eight year old.'' I walk towards him and he sits down on the couch.

''I know, you just doesn't act like an adult,'' I gasp at his words. ''understand me right, it was a compliment.'' He continues and I nod placing a hand over his.

''So is all of this spying over?''

''It's over.'' He smiles and I stand up.

''Great, because the last thing I need in the moment is any more drama.'' He chuckles and I reach out for his hand. ''I have to make a call.'' I say and let go of his hand, walking towards my room.

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