Chapter 55.

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I wake up with a sweaty body. Liams is hugging me with all his body and he is deeply asleep. I don't want to wake him up but we have to go to school. I look at my clock and it says 5:30. I am wide awake and it is only 5:30 what the hell? I close my eyes again in an attempt to sleep but fail miserably. I very slow try to move out of his grip and I success. I stand up and look at the clock again which now shows 6:00. What to do at six in the morning? I decide to leave Liam sleeping and take bath. 

When I enter my room Liam is still asleep and it is now 6:30. Should I wake him up or would that be too early? It would, but what if he have work today? I walk over to him only my body covered in a towel and I shake his shoulder. He growls a little and turn around, covering his head with the blanket. I whisper his name wiry quietly and he mumbles something.

''Do you have work this morning?'' 

''Yea.'' His morning voice is deep, very deep. Oh god.

''What time do you have to be there?'' 

''At seven.'' I look at the clock and I realize that he only have about 25 minutes to get there.


''Yes.'' He uncover his face.

''You have to be there in twenty-five minutes.'' I tell him and he is suddenly wide awake and sitting up.

''Shit!'' He is quick out of bed and trying to find his shirt.

''Where the hell is my shirt?'' He scan the room with his eyes and I point at the chair I laid it on.

He quickly pulls it over his head and take on his shoes. He looks in the mirror one quick time and just runs his fingers through his hair a couple of times until it looks as it normally does. He is quick out of the room and I don't even know if I want to follow him. He is late, I get it but he could've at least said goodbye.

Couple of seconds later he returns into my room and I smell something nice. He probably just went into Josephs room to borrow some cologne or something. 

''This is inappropriate but can I borrow your toothbrush?'' Uhm.

''Yea, I guess.'' He walks very fast to the bathroom and once again return couple of seconds later. 

I am now dressed in a pair of jeans and a black lace bra. Great. His eyes widen a little when he notice what I am dressed in and a small smirk plays around on his lips but is quickly removed my his hand and a cough. He gives me a small kiss on the cheek and walk towards the door.

''Oh, are you coming?''

''With you? Right now?''


''No, look at me. I'm not ready!'' I panic.

''You don't have to come now.'' He pauses. ''How are you even gonna get there?''

''A taxi I guess.'' He opens his mouth but I cut him off.

''I know, I need to get my own car.'' I smile and he laughs.

''See you there then.'' He smiles and is quick out of the door.

I quickly get dressed and apply my makeup. When I enter the kitchen Joe is sat on one of the chairs with his bag on his back ready to leave. The taxi is already here. Oh. 

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