Chapter 1

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I shoot upright in rock hard bed sweating and panting hard.
My multicolored eyes shoot to the other side of the room where my roommate is reading her fanfics.
"Bad dream?" she asks not looking up from her old phone
"..Yeah" I take a deep breath and run my hands through my long filthy hair
"You have those a lot" She yawns
I nod my head. Unlike Hazel, I've only been here for two weeks, and quite frankly, it sucks.
"How have you managed to stay not insane in this place? It's more like a jail than a stupid orphanage!" I groan
"Well, maybe for you, but I've been here since I was first born. Martha is like a mother to me, and here seems like home." she smiles finally looking at my face
I sigh, wondering how long I'll be here. If someone as perfect as Hazel hasn't been adopted, I never will. "everyone here loves you, but I'm just that girl that fell in the garbage in front of everyone the first day I was here"
Hazel chuckles "Whatever Sky. You're a great person, you'll have a family in no time!"
I shrug and flip to my side that's faces the peeling wallpaper wall. I keep my eyes open and think, letting my mind drift off eventually and back to sleep.

"WAKE UPPPPP!!!" I start to hear a bunny scream in my dream..
Something hard hits me right in the breast and I am immediately woken to reality. There is no bunny. No family, and no sunshine. Just a dull beaten room and a grumpy Hazel towering over me
"That is the eighteenth time your alarm clock has gone off skyler!!!!!" She rages
I rub my eyes "Sorry" my alarm clock vibrates in my lap and goes off once again
Her glare gets harder "Nineteen"
"Sorry" I repeat and shut it off for good
"Whatever" She says bitterly and walks out of our dorm still in her pjs
I walk over to my small closet. I throw on high waisted dark shorts with a white shirt lined with yellow and a tiny single black palm tree near the top of the shirt. I tuck the shirt in because it gives it more of the summer California vibe. I throw my ombré hair into a high pony tail and put just a little bit of makeup on so I don't look like a porpoise. Hazel swings the door open loudly
"The desk is calling for you" She explains
"Why?" I ask, almost worried
"I dunno" She shrugs and throws herself on her bed
I nod and walk to the front desk, Angie, the desk lady, spots me
"Ah! Skyler!" She beams at me
"Hi" I smile cautiously, then look to the right of the desk and see a beautiful lady with bouncy curled blonde hair and striking deep blue eyes. Her smile is even bigger than then Angie's and I start to feel uncomfortable.
"Skyler.. This lovely lady is here to adopt you!" Angie giggles. a huge lump forms in my throat and I feel so many different feelings wash over me in one time, over all I feel like throwing up.
"w-what?" I croak
"I was your mothers best friend since forever!!! I've heard your parents have died, so I did some research and I found you!! Oh my, oh my I can't wait!" The lady rushes over to me in the heels and gives me a hug, followed with a red-lipped kiss on the cheek
"O-oh" Is all I can say
"Now you go pack while this lovely lady fills out the rest of the paper work!" Angie tells me, I nod and to my dorm, can't waiting to get out of here, but also a little bit sad that parents I've had for so long are getting replaced... I'm also gonna miss Hazel...
I walk into my dorm and Hazel is sitting on some dudes lap giggling "Uh... I'm sorry am I interpreting?" I feel the heat rush into my cheekbones
The boy scowls "Yes." Just as Hazel says a simple "No"
"don't be rude Jackson" Hazel says and he rolls his eyes "what did Angie want?"
"...well.. Um.." I fold my hands together "I got adopted..." Hazels dark shinny eyes switch emotions
"what?" Tears start to form and she jumps up from so-called-Jackson
"Yeah... I'm leaving... Today...." I explain everything and there is tears along with joy along with a oath. I finally have all my things ready and I meet my new "mom" in the front. She drives me in a super expensive classic car to a big beautiful home, and the whole way there she was talking a mile a minute.
She shows me to my room and briefly around the house, then runs off to a meeting. I feel kinda hungry since I never had breakfast today so I walk down the long flight of stairs to the kitchen. I find pop tarts and carefully open the package not wanting to make a mess. I find a few other things and end up with two strawberry poptarts, pink lemonade, and a chocolate chip waffle, making no mess what so ever I feel satisfied and walk outside. They have a huge back yard. I sit on a porch and sit down. I start to eat my waffle peacefully and then a hear voices from the yard. I look over to my left and see two boys playing basketball while another one is lifting two weights. I furrow my eyebrows confused, does Piper ("moms" name) have three boys? I come up with the convulsion that she lets neighbors play in her yard since it's so big. I finish my food and head back inside. I run up the steps and go to the third room down on the hall on the left. I open the door and am greeted by a huge blank room. There's a big bed, a desk, and a couple other things, but nothing is decorated, so I start on that.
I walk out of my newly designed room and bump straight into someone
"Ouch!" I say sprawling across the carpet floor on my butt
"Oh! Sorry!" The person explains and helps me up "I'm guessing you're Skylar"
I nod my head "that's me... Who are you?"
The boy has black hair and chubby cheeks, he's wearing sport shorts and a Nike hoodie along with the most expensive looking sport shoes I've ever seen.
"Im Joseph! You can call me Joe though since we'll be brother and sister!" His chubby cheeks form a smile
"Brother and sister?" I furrow my eyebrows at him
"Uh yeah"
"But Piper never told me she had a son" I explain
"Wow... That's a big thing to slip up on... Cause there's Seven of us...."
I almost died
Heyo! So this is pretty much just a sneak peak of my new book, ik ik I always start a new book, but I hope you like it so far.. Im going to do chapters at a time then post them so you guys don't have to wait for one chapter at one time. I'm trying to get the cover worked out, but I'll get something :)

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