Chapter 5

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"You're really a loner sky, you know that.. Right?" Joe rolls his eyes at my fat ass laying on the couch eating cookies
I give him a death glare then shove five more cookies into my mouth "SHUFF UPPFFF" I throw a cookie at him then immediately regret wasting such a good cookie as I start to tear up from the thought of it crumbling on the ground
"Whatever u fat turd nugget, you aren't any better, look at yourself" I glare
"Wow okay. I'd like to see you get over one friend to spend the night"
"Is this a challenge?" I smirk, pausing the tv
"Oh god..."
I rush upstairs and slam the door causing Toby (who happened to be walking by) to have a heart attack
"YO HAZEL!!" I practically scream into the phone
"Holy--- what the hell- why are you so pumped?" She mumbles into the phone
"Uh................... I'm kinda scared to say no......"
The next phone calls went about the same way......
The doorbell rings and hour later and I practically jump all the stairs to get to the door
I swing open the door "FRIENDS!!!!" But I only see the news paper boy with a very weird look on his face
".......I-I'm here for the paper payment....."
"GET LOST RICKY I'M EXPECTING GUEST!!!!!" I slam the door in his dorky face getting a chorus of laughs from Jake Joe and Coby which gains them a glare
"Sorry" They all look away and shut up immediately 

"How do you like my posse now" I smirk at Joe with a bunch of girls behind me
"Whatever" he rolls his eyes and walks half way out the door
"Wait!" I call running over to him and stopping an inch away from his face
"CHALLENGE COMPLETED!" I yell at the top of my lungs and this time he walks fully out the door into Jake's car
I spin on my heel to face the girls "So we're all going in Nat's car, right?"
"Yeah it's a truck, so two of us, maybe three, can sit on the inside and the rest can sit in the back" Nat smiles
"Fun!" I return the smile and head outside
"This is gonna be so awesome!" Hazel squeals to me
"I know right!" I squeal back
We all rush into the gates of the game after paying five dollars (even though it's not starting for a while) 

I just stand there for a second letting my new friends go ahead of me, It's amazing how they're all here, honestly I haven't gotten to be with this many friends since my parents were still alive... Just then an eerie feeling crosses over me---- 
I'm lifted off my feet and cradled like a princess into strong arms
"H-HEY!" I squirm "PUT ME DOWN!"
"Kay" A voice says just as I hit the cold ground
"OWWW! WHAT THE--" I rub my side as I lay on the ground
"You said to put you down. so I did..." Jake's hand extends to mine
"I didn't mean like that, idiot." I roll my eyes, taking his hand
"Well you shouldn't just stand there blocking everyone-"
"EEEEEEE! OH MY GLOB YOU TWO ARE TOO CUTE!!!! I SHIP ITTTT!" Emma rushes over to us and snaps a picture as I realise my hand is still in Jake's
"W-what!?" I tear my hand from his but knowing that won't help with my blushing "It's not like that!"

"it's definitely like that" Amanda comes up from no where 

"shut up! He's... He's my brother ! That's... Gross!" I scrunch up my nose
"Technically he's not. You're adopted." Chrissy adds
"Chill out Sky, you're as red as a tomato, it's sorta adorable" Jake chuckles
"W-WELL THAT ISN'T HELPING STUPID!" I cover my face. He laughs and I roll my eyes, walking off
"NO!" I yell back and throw an old corn dog that was left on the stands at him. I turn on my heel and shake my head as well gaining a small smile on my face
"Whatcha smiling 'bout?" Joe appears in front of me
"Seriously where do you people come from!?" I furrow my eyebrows
"MY MOMMA! AND I'M PROUD!" He shakes his body stupidly and I slap him playfully in his tubby belly 
"You're such a weirdo Joe" I laugh
"Ha, thanks" He smiles "But seriously, do you like Jake?"
"YEAH RIGHT! HA!" I laugh never even considering that a possibility
"Hey Sky, up for another challenge?" he smirks
"Always" I wiggle my eyebrows
"Okay. If you fall in love, you buy me two new pairs of shoes. Just don't fall in love for four months and you win. " he continues to smirk
"Easy." I scoff
"Heh, you wish. Let's shake on it"
"Sure" We shake hands and he looks on the bridge of laughing madly
"Remember Sky, you're living with seven high school, pervy, attractive boys, and you're one girl."  
"Please, you guys are barely attractive, and I can handle myself pretty well. This'll be a piece of cake." I roll my eyes
"ha.... Okay..." He smirks and walks off into the locker room
I furrow my eyebrows and look down to my beaten up vans... This won't be hard... I haven't fallen in love for seventeen years, what makes this year different? Yeah. This won't be hard at all. Right? 

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