Chapter 7

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(To the people that know me irl and know the people in the story;)
Just cause there's gonna be "moments" (idrk what to call these XD) in this chapter does NOT mean I like that person irl or they like me. K thanks.
"Good job girls" The teacher dismisses us from her colorful room with a wave of a hand. We all rush out the door, happy with our assignments
"I think we did great!" Jenna smiles with an exhale of relief
"Yeah" I smile back as well as exhaling a big breath
"What!?!? That's today!?!?!?" Emma gapes as I walk over to the crowd along my locker area
"Yeah! I hope there's some cute boys!" Amanda giggles as I furrow my eyebrows and stand on the edge of the blob next to Joe
"What are you guys-" I try to ask but get cut off by our next topic
Topics fly quickly and I get sick of it after about 15 minutes. I wiggle my way to my locker and get my things, then head off to my class waiting for the bell to ring.
"I'm so excited to see who's coming" Chrissy whispers to me as I write algebra in my notebook
"I'm still kinda confused on that whole topic" I whisper back
"What do you mean?"
"Who's coming"
"The accepted people for this term-"
"GIRLS!" The teacher yells making us both jump in our seats
"Sorry!" We say then I end with one last whisper to Chrissy "tell me more later" and she gives me a nod.
"May I go to the library?" I ask my english teacher who gives me a shrug which I take as a yes.
I head out the door, down the hall, and into the bright room. I sit in the bean bag in the corner and pull out a laptop from my backpack, which I start to do my homework on.
I finish my math then pull out some cheetos from my bag. I look around bored from all the equations and notice an unfamiliar boy searching for a book. It was weird that I didn't know him because at this school you seem to know everyone and if there's a new kid you'll know.
I stare at him until his brown eyes meet mine, which become wide out of surprise. He gives me a warm smile and I melt inside, I tried to return the  smile but I probably looked like a walrus. His small laugh didn't help with that thought. He gives me one last white toothed smile and looks down for books again. A couple minutes later I hear some low talking then loud laughing, so I peek up from my laptop once again to see two new boys with the one I was just making eye contact with.
The librarian tells the boys to quiet down so they come sit down near me. My eyes shoot down to the laptop once again, confused that I didn't know any of these boys. Maybe this was what everyone has been talking about?
I hear a plop from beside me and see the brown haired boy who smiled at me earlier. He's looking right at me and I try to pull my eyes away from his brown ones although it seems impossible.
"Hey" he smiles
"....hi" I half smile back
"I'm Josh" he puts out his hand which I shake
"This is Scott and Luke" he gestures to the two boys behind him that are also looking at me with sparkling eyes "we're new here"
"Oh, well welcome!" I smile at the three of them
"I'm guessing you're parshly new as well" Josh smirks
I furrow my brows "Well, I got here a few months ago, why do you ask?"
"Cause I don't recognize you, and you don't remember us" he shrugs
"I'm confused, you said you were new?"
"We used to go to this school, but we transferred to a more elite school for a couple of years, then we decided to come back because it was easier here and we were missing home" Josh explains
"So are you the people everyone was wondering about?"
"Oh, that..." Scott laughs
"Well, every year more elite students transfer on this day, everyone gets kinda excited, we're only a couple of those people... But man, they're gonna be surprised to see us!" Josh laughs as well
"Yeah..." I say unsurely
"So, what's your last name?" Josh asks
"King" I shrug
There's a long pause as the three boys exchange many hard to read looks
"By any chance, do you have seven brothers?" Luke finally speaks
"Yeah......?" I furrow my eyebrows as the three boys smirk
"This'll be interesting..." Scott laughs as the bell rings and I pack up in a hurry
"Bye!" The three boys call
"By the way, tell your brothers the Mason family says 'hi!'"
I nod and walk out of the library

Living With BoysOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz