Chapter 9

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"Sky!" Luke peeks into my temporary room "It's dinner time"

"Oh," I smile and stand up from the big bed "I didn't realize that was a thing"

"...Uh... It's a thing in most households.. Does your "family" not do it?"

"No we don't" I say and walk over to him

"Oh, what about your old family? before you were adopted...?" We start to walk out of my room and down the hall

"...I... can't remember..." I furrow my eyebrows, did we used to do that? Why can't I remember? Why can't I remember their faces? Their voices? Why am I missing the people I can't remember?

"Uhm. That's weird. Okay...?" We walk the rest of the way silently and when we arrive at the table the rest of the guys are already sitting and waiting for Josh to serve the food. By this point I'm positive Josh is the eldest. I smile at my new friends and sit in the only empty seat left.

"How long do you think you're going to stay here?" Spencer asks while he serves himself the food that Josh just placed at the middle of the table.

The food smells so nice, it fills the aroma with the smell of hot steak and broccoli. There's mashed potatoes too (But I don't like mashed potatoes so I kindly pass) along with homemade salad and croissants. I was surprised Josh made all of this but I was also surprised all the boys got along so well, in my "family" my brothers really weren't as kind to each other, I couldn't help but to kind of laugh while they all ate and spoke to each other playfully- but nice.

All of a sudden Scott's head flies to me with a big smile "What?" He laughs, most liking talking about my smile that I had for no reason

"O-oh.. Nothing, It's just weird how you guys get along so well.." I put my fork down and look around the table at my five new friends.

"Do the King's not?" Nathaniel asks and I give him a small head shake in return which he replies with a sad "oh"

"Why not?" Luke continues the conversation

"I'm not really sure, they're all mostly nice to each other but something just seems a little off" I shrug, I honestly didn't know why they just seemed more ridged than this family, almost like they were a group of friends that just grew apart when they figured out they weren't who they seemed, but brothers aren't supposed to be like that, brothers are forever, right...? no, all siblings are forever... So why do I feel like a traitor?


A soft knock fills the silence of my room as Scott gently opens the door and I look up from my phone

"Hey.." I purse my lips and look at the small brunette, who sits on the corner of the bed which makes the weight of the bed thrown off.

"..Hey..." He gives me a wide smile and I unconsciously find myself becoming slightly red "Since we don't have any clothes you can borrow, and since you probably want to get some of your things I'm gonna drive you to your house so you can get your stuff"

"...Well okay, but what do I do if they see me?" I can't just go into my house and be like, oh yeah, sorry I'm ditching all of you who are supposed to be my brothers and I'm going to go spend a couple of nights at your mortal enemies house, 'kay cool bye!

"Just say you're spending the night at a friends house and if you run into Coby, just kinda ignore him, and if you choose you want to be at your house instead that's okay too." He shrugs it off like it's no big deal and I internally sigh. "So, you ready?"

"Yeah, I guess" I shut my phone off and grab my hoodie that I threw to the floor and follow Scott to his car.


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