Chapter 8

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"Uh........ Coby, we've got some company" I say as I stand on our big porch in a fuzzy hot pink robe with Minnie Mouse's face all over it and my hair flopping off my head as Spencer, Lucas, Piper and two police officers standing in our drive way looking down to the street (where I'm guessing Joe ran off into).

Coby appears next to me and bellows "What's going on?" and everyone turns to look at us. Piper does not look happy while Spencer and Lucas seem surprised, scared and confused "Mom why are there police officers here?" Coby asks Piper

"Because the Miller family is not welcomed here! Have you forgotten? They aren't allowed anywhere in 30 yards of our house! we went to court!!" Piper almost looks like shes fuming

"Mom, they weren't here when any of those things happened! Spencer just recently got adopted and Lucas... I don't know his story" Coby tries to explain

Pipers face softens and she seems to look guilty "oh.... I'm really sorry boys..... Sorry mr.police men for wasting your time but I think we're okay here."

the police men drive away and Piper apologizes to Spencer and Lucas again but still doesn't allow them inside. They get in their car and drive away confused as I am

"What just happened?" I ask stupidly. Piper and Coby exchange a conversations of looks which makes me even more confused until Piper says

"Nothing important hun" And walks inside. I look to Coby who just gives me a shrug

I sigh and continue to look up at him with big curious eyes "Something really bad must have happened but why can't I know?"

He looks back down at me"It's just better that way, all I can say is to avoid those Millers as much as you can" but this doesn't make me all that happy. I'm part of the family too! If it's that bad I should at least be able to know!!!! I'm gonna find out. That's exactly what I'll do

I shoot him a glare "I can do whatever the h*ll I want." he seems to be taken aback by that and I run down the driveway to find Joseph. It's not until I step in a puddle that I realize I'm still wearing my robe. So after about 30 minutes of looking for him I decide to go back to the house and wait for him there.

I run up to my room where I find Cameron standing at my desk "What are you doing in my room?" I ask as he turns around surprised

"I needed a pencil" He replies holding up a pink pencil i left on my desk

"Why'd you get it from my room?" I furrow my eyebrows still standing at my doorway

"our rooms are right across from each other and I'm lazy" He replies simply again. He was good, but I was better

"And..." I start to step closer until we're only two inches away from each other. I smirk and look up at him "Why are you holding my papers behind your back?"

"......what papers......?" He awkwardly puts the papers back on my desk slickly and I start to laugh

"You're so weird. Get out of my room and please don't come in again" he laughs with me and leaves as I take my papers from my desk but notice another paper but written in a different langue I've never seen before... What was he doing with my old dream book and a couple of papers with unknown words on them?


"sky I'm bringing you to school" Coby barges into my room as in half asleep still

"But you don't bring me on Mondays.....?" I yawn confused

"Yeah but i'm bringing you today so hurry please its already 7:13" and with that he leaves

I head to my closet and get dressed in black pants a gray crop top with a tiny alien head in the corner and a gray beanie since I didn't have time to take a shower. I throw on some cover up, mascara, and eyeliner. I eat a bagel, brush my teeth, throw on black Nike's, grab my backpack and hop into Coby's car. He drives away right as I buckle.

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