Chapter Three

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Hey guy, well I think making Barney think in his accent is very hard and I am going to just make him talk in it. Unless you enjoy him thinking in the accent too.

Red's POV

I felt a hand on my head as I began to wake up. I flinched a little and heard someone rush up and close my office door. The footsteps slowly disappeared as I got up out of my chair. I yawned stretching, looking up at a clock on the wall. 3:42 pm. I am probably going to be here for a while longer. Aw shoot. I have no where to stay the night. Unless Adam has it planned. I checked the clock again. 3:43. I zoned out on a wall as my vision grew dark. I felt so drowsy. And tired. "Red!" someone yelled as I fell to the ground. Darkness.

Adam's POV

Barney quickly walked down the hallway. He turned toward me and faked a smile. He had just come out of Red's office and by the looks of it when he left, Red was sleeping. I saw Red stand up and pace once around the room before staring at a wall. He blinked several times, looking like he was going to fall asleep then he started falling. "Red!" I yelled running to his office. A thud was heard throughout the office as Red hit the floor. I swung the office door open, scampering to Red. I lifted Red's head and put a hand in his chest. Thank goodness he was still breathing. The breaths were very deep though. Max barged into the room with worry in his eyes. "What the shit just happened!" He looked scared and I shook my head. Max had a hand on the door frame and ran the other through his hair. Footsteps were quickly approaching us and Barney pushed Max aside. "I's will calls and ambulances," he was breathing heavily and horror had struck his face. "No Barney wait," I said putting my hand up, "He was on a plane today, it's just jet lag."(I have never been on Allan's so I don't know much) Barney let out a sigh of relief. Max smiled slightly and stepped out of the office. Barney looked at him saying, "He's is supposed tos stays with me rights?" He was right. We had planned for Red to share an apartment with Barney. I nodded and set Red's head down. "I cans take hims home nows if yous would like." Barney crouched next to Red. "Sure Barney, well I will see you tomorrow!" I responded waving to him goodbye.

Barney's POV

Adam left the room as I slowly moved my hands under the limp ginger. I hoisted him up. He was sorta light but still going to be trouble to carry to the car. I was carrying him bridal style out the door and Max walked over to us and whispered, "I ship it." I felt my face heat up as Max moved away laughing. God damn it Max, always bumping into things. "Wells Max, your is beings a Glads Max about that," I grinned opening the office door. I could see him glowing red as I looked over my shoulder. I chuckled and started trudging down the stairs of the office. I was outside and stopped, seeing rain sliding out of the air, like leaves falling from trees. I set Red down on a bench and took my jacket off. I placed it over Red and picked him back up. You shouldn't get wet now sweet prince I thought to myself. I stopped in the middle of the parking lot. Let's just not think of that again. I set Red in the passenger seat and buckled him in. He pivoted his position and curled up. I guess he is just ad- like that.
I hopped into the drivers seat and looked at Red. It's just jet lag... just jet lag, I repeated to myself. I put the keys into the ignition and started the car. I backed out of the parking spot and slowly turned out of the parking lot. I took my right hand and ran it through Red's hair. "Don't leave me."


Barney's POV
I pulled into the driveway and looked at the clock. 4:15 (Idk how far Barney lives from the offices). I slid out of my seat and shut the door. I ran to the apartment and opened the door before coming to pick up Red. I slid my arms under him and moved his arm over his chest. I can't help but aw at him. He just looks cute when he is asleep. I tightened my grip around him, heading into the apartment. I reached his room and placed him softly on his bed. I'm not afraid to admit that he just looks so adorable. I went to the back of the car and grabbed his luggage from the back. I sure am glad that he left his suitcase in the car when I picked him up. I swung it out of the car nearly knocking one of my neighbors bushes over. "Sorrys," I murmured lifting a small bag out of the trunk. It was open so I peeked in. I tilted my head lifting a photo and a small plush red dinosaur out of the bag. The photo was of what I suppose to be his mother and him. Her hands were on his shoulders standing behind him. His smile was so big and bright. I looked at the dinosaur and held it in my hands. It was so soft and cuddly. That must be why he kept it. I placed them back into his bag and closed it setting it next to the suitcase. I shut the trunk to my car and sighed, pulling his suitcase into the house, carrying his bag in also. I closed the door and brought the suitcases to his room. Looking over at his bed I saw him curled in a ball. I took the bag and pulled out the dinosaur. I placed the dinosaur in his arms and put his suitcase at the end of the bed. I set the bag down on his dresser and something else rolled out of it. I looked at the shining object and grabbed it. It was an exacto knife.

Hey I managed a sorta long chapter!!! Well anyways I hope you enjoyed and have a great day!
Word Count: 1097

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