So, I'm half alien.

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My mom was calling my father and I was currently outside looking at the catastrophe. I heard my mom talking frantically to my dad. She said something like, 'They want her.' and, 'She's one of them.' I honestly didn't understand what she had meant by that.

I looked up towards the sky and saw something huge, a ship. It was orange and metallic looking just like the gun  had found the other day. I backed away from the window, frightened,  just as another explosion had happened.

"Alice, honey, get away from the window and come over here," She was sobbing now. I began to get worried about her and my dad. "We need to tell you something." She shook her head.

"We should have told her before," I heard my father's voice over the speaker. "Now, Alice, I know you're scared now but...please, don't be," He sighed and went on, "We should have told you this earlier but, those things in the sky, those...things," It sounded like he was hesitating to say it, "They are coming for you." He finally finished.

"Is this some kind of joke?" I yelled. "Seriously? Where are the camera men?" I started to look for any hidden cameras that could be around. When I found nothing, I sat back down and began to get extremely upset.

"If you let us explain," My mom began, "You understand we aren't your real parents." I nodded my head and she continued. "We knew your real parents, and your real mother, was-now you're going to have to bear with me here- she was human," She shook her head like she always does. "You're father on the other hand, was alien, I mean." 

"What. The. Hell? And you guys didn't bother to freaking tell me this? Before all of this happened?" I yelled. If I am one of them, then that means they won't kill me right?

"We didn't think you'd believe us if we told you then," My father said. "You might want to take her to our bunker just in case. But.. I doubt it'll help will it? They'll still find her." We were starting to lose connection. We could hardly hear his voice after the other explosion.

Then it finally was lost.

"So, I take it we're not taking cover is because they are purposely not going to hit this house, correct?" I questioned my mom.

"Correct. But whatever happens to me, don't worry, okay?" She wiped the few streaks of tears off of her face and stood up and walked to the window.

"Alright, I love you mom..." I said trying to hold back tears. For some reason I knew that they were going to kill her. Their ships were headed this way, and they finally started coming out, probably trying to make their way to me. To be honest, I wasn't worried about what would happen to Michelle, she'd always find her way out, no matter what.

"I love you too." We hugged for a couple of minutes until we saw one of those-what were they? Ah, Promethean's. They looked... like they were angry. Maybe that's just what they look like...

"Alright, don't be afraid, Alice." My mom stated again. I nodded. I saw some of them flying and shooting people. If they are just coming for me, why shoot everybody? Why kill anybody? I asked myself billions of questions that I didn't know the answer to.

Next I saw them make their way over here. But one of them stood out in particular. His helmet looked like it was in the shape of a skull,  unlike the rest of them. And they all seemed the be following him. He must be the leader. I thought.

My mom walked over to the door and opened it, then motioned for me to go outside. Truly, I was scared, but she told me not to be, so I didn't show it. I walked out and with her behind me. I gulped, they looked like they were going into defence mode or something.

The man in the front looked like he was studying me, making sure that he had the right person. It's quite obvious he did. Suddenly, his helmet went, woosh!, behind him so I could see his face.

He had orange eyes, fangs, and he looked sorta old, maybe it's just me because I don't freaking understand. "Alice." He said in a cold but not threatening tone. He held out his hand. I sub consciously grabbed his hand.

My mom quickly grabbed my shoulder. "No... I can't..." After all she had said she didn't want to let me go. But I knew she had to.

"Let her go, human." He said to my mom as he took her hand off of my shoulder. She looked like she was sad again. She knew I had to go but she didn't want to give me up, but she had to.

I walked next to the man and waved goodbye and mouthed I love you to her so she wouldn't risk herself getting killed.

The next thing you know, we were walking towards the ship.

It's really hard to describe things for some reason XDD

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