We share a bed now.

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"Alright, so what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked sitting down at the table, carefully watching the guards. Didact sat across from me, it looked like he was hesitating to say anything. "Oh, and sorry for slapping you earlier..." It looked like he smiled for a second.

"It's okay, it's probably hard being a taken.." He said and looked up at me. For an alien, I must admit, he is cute. I blushed a tad bit and it looked like he was trying to stifle a smile.  "Now, I'm going to explain everything, listen, because I'm not going to repeat myself," He began.

He explained everything, but I only have one question, "What...is a lifemate? And how do you know? How will I tell if he...?" Okay, more than one question.

 "You...just do," he said as if it was complicated. Maybe it is complicated. I thought to myself. Or maybe he just doesn't want to explain it.

"Well Didact," I stood up and began walking towards the door. "Time to go find my room." I left before he could even say anything. Yeah, he will probably try and stop me, because I'll pick somebody else's room, but hey, this is where I'm staying right?

I opened a couple doors, no what I really did was put my hand on something and the door slid open. I went through a couple rooms, by a couple, I mean a lot, and they really weren't what I was expecting, until I got to the last room. It was bigger than the others, a bigger bed, and everything. I instinctively walked in and laid on the bed.

When I sat up, I then noticed that there were things, like personal things in the room. I'll only know when they come in here I guess. "This is my room, you know." I heard a familiar voice in the doorway. I looked over and saw Didact.

"Well, it's mine now." I said with a straight face. He walked over to me arms crossed. "No." I turned my head.

"I'll carry you." He said in return. In response I laid under the covers.

"No, I like it here." I mumbled. "Plus I'm tired." I said while closing my eyes. I felt the bed go down behind me and the covers shifting. I looked over and he was laying beside me. "What are you- this is my bed now." I rolled my eyes.

"You can't just take someones room, Alice," I saw him smirk a bit. "Especially when it's mine." He turned over.

"Okay, fine, but no touchy feelies okay?" I stifled a laugh. I heard a soft, 'mhm' as I laid back down facing the other way.

My feels. Seriously...my feels right now. By the way, I'm not spell checking and grammar checking, I don't feel like it.

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