Learning how to shoot

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I have no idea where this story is going to go but I decided to make more because of certain people- YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. Thanks for inspiring me >:3 *Puts in earbuds and proceeds to write as I gasp for air* PS I'm tired ok.

I literally had about 30 soldier guys watching me. The pressure is intense. All I'm learning how to do is shoot. I don't even know what this weapon is called. They told me but I forgot. I think it's called a Binge Rifle or something. I'm not even...I've never even held a gun, besides that thing that still might be under my old bed.

"That was the easiest target on the field..." One of the guys said behind me. He looked as if he was going to face palm. Do they even know what that is? Perhaps I should teach them. Yes.

"I've never held a Binge Rifle before. Or any other gun for that matter.. well.."

"Binary..." He corrected. Okay well thank you. I'll just have to write that down when I get a chance. I gave him the gun and he easily shot the target. He could probably do it without looking. Show off. I placed my hands on my hips. I'll get the hang of it. Possibly. This was either the stupidest idea that I've ever had, or the best one, and I'm leaning towards stupid. I only did this because I didn't exactly want to be useless, and laze around, though that was still an option.

"Meh." I shrugged and sluggishly walked away. I enjoy being here, but there are a lot of secrets. I guess you could call them that. Every time I ask about, a war, which I picked up with my super sonic hearing, they don't tell me. "Eh." Plus wondering around the ship wasn't so bad...I still haven't looked everywhere. Surprises in every place I guess?

 "Alice!" I heard Lexus yell after me. One of the newly made friends, one of them soldier guys. The only one actually. Possibly because I piss everyone off. They'd probably kill me if they could. And if they did, Didact would beat them to a pulp. That's not even a joke. I saw it once. It was funny. 

"Oh. Hi, how are you?" I grinned. 

"Good, but..you p-probably shouldn't g-give up, it's not good. You have to learn beca-" He stuttered. Ah, yes. He's actually pretty shy. I've always tried to make up for it by making him stand out in crowds. And he didn't enjoy that very much. 

omg this is so bad shoot me. ;_;

"I didn't. I'll go back to it. I got bored." I interrupted and he looked relieved. I don't get why I have to though. Maybe he just wants me to defend myself, I don't know. I'd be perfectly fine with watching Full House at midnight or something. I was thinking about it for a while and when I snapped out of my trance, Lexus was gone. 

I shrugged and walked off. euugh ~_~

*later that day b/c yeaahh* 

I strolled into that room again. I never exactly found out what it was called. But it might have been a control room or something, judging by all the controls.. Stop talking to yourself, moron. 

"You should take a break." I said leaning on the arm of his chair, yawning. 

"..I take more than you know." He said casually resting his head on his hand You're more relaxed than I'd thought you be. 

"Yeah, when you are asleep..." I blushed at the thought I probably shouldn't have. Why do I always think the worst?

 *ends it right there because idk how to.*

Me: yeaah so its been three months. >_> i need a bag of doritos now euugh

Didact: *poofs up and hands you doritos*

Me: you're real jdisfhdgs??? oAo

Didact: of course :3

Me: *fangirls and squeals* of course i'd have to like the evil alien right =_= most people like master chief and then there's me o-o' 

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