The Accidental Eavesdropper: Part 2

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Note: I included a picture of Devlin's car

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Note: I included a picture of Devlin's car. I wish I had his ride.

Zorell entered the vehicle determined to get away from the earshot of his voice, but then she realized that she didn't have the key. She was about to exit the car, but Devlin had caught up with her by then.

"What's wrong?" he asked, but she just sat in the front driver's seat sitting silently.

"What do you think?" she said, crossing her arms over her chest and studying the dashboard.

She saw a picture taped to the windshield, and stared at the small-sized family photo. Everyone in the picture was either laughing or smiling. She saw the image of herself at the edge of the picture, but looking at it now she only saw the forced smile on her face. Her father had his arm around Devlin, his golden boy, and Trevor, who was following in their eldest brother's footsteps. Zachary was in front smiling with pride, while she stood next to Devlin with a small space between her and her family. That was Zorell, always the outsider, the one that didn't belong.

"You shouldn't take it so personally," Devlin said and opened the door to the car on the passenger's side. "It's not a picnic being the favorite, you know, always having to do everything just right. The way I see it, you're the lucky one."

Zorell turned to him and gave him a strange look. "How do you see that?"

"Easy, with you there's no pressure," he said and then handed her the key to the car. "You don't have to worry about pleasing him."

"He hates me," she said as she played with the key for a few seconds. Then she looked over at her brother who was strangely silent. "He blames me for mother's death."

"No, he doesn't," Devlin said, but he didn't sound convincing.

"Yes, he does," Zorell said, still staring at the photo. "If I had never been born, mother would still be alive."

"That's not your fault, Zo," Devlin said as she started up the engine.

"Yes, it is," she said forcefully as she backed out of the driveway and descended onto the street. She was driving faster than she should have. "I killed her, and we all know it." Just then, she swerved just missing a dog that was crossing the street.

"Slow down, sis, or let me drive," he said and put his hand on the steering wheel. Zorell took Devlin's advice and slowed the car down to a normal speed for a neighborhood street.

"Sorry," she said as they were approaching the Freeman house. "I guess you want to show up to your wedding in one piece."

"That would be nice," he said, teasing her as he usually did in intense situations in order to lighten her mood. He gave her a crooked smile which made her laugh.

"Why don't we get you married before anything else happens," she said still laughing.

Of all people in the world, Devlin understood her. If he hadn't been her brother, she might have married him, but since that was an impossibility she happily gave up her favorite brother to her best friend. She just hoped they wouldn't drift apart, but in her heart, she felt that they would always be close.

They both had exited the car and walked up to the house hand in hand like two carefree children. Before either of them could knock on the door Elisa, Eloise's younger sister sung the door open and twirled around until she reached the other side of the porch singing a made-up song.

The girl had just turned twelve, and she was in fact excited about her sister's wedding. Her blonde curls were falling free down her back with the sides of her hair pinned by two rose clips. She also had on a mini white lace veil that complimented the white and pink lace flower girl dress she was wearing.

"Elisa, you better stop that before you get too dizzy," Devlin said as he watched the girl spin around. Zorell nudged her brother with her elbow in his side. "What was that for?" he asked and all Zorell would do was give him a stern look. "I just don't want our flower girl getting sick before the wedding."

"I'm perfect," Elisa said after she stopped spinning. Her bright blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight. "...but El isn't." Devlin looked concerned, while Elisa only laughed at him.

"She didn't change her mind?" She gave a giggle at the young man's question.

"She's just going nuts trying to get her hair to do strange things," Elisa answered with a giggle in her voice.

"I'll go see to her," Zorell said, which gave Devlin some relief. When she stepped inside of the house, she looked back to see Elisa looking adoringly at her soon-to-be brother-in-law.

"If she did change her mind, I'd marry you," Elisa said with a big smile on her face. She was only twelve, and in reality, there was no way that would happen, but she was a younger version of her big sister, the girl Devlin was hopelessly in love with.

He looked a bit flustered by the girl's words which made Zorell laugh. She turned around and headed for the stairs. She walked up to the second floor, when she ran into a young gentleman. He was dressed in a black and white tuxedo, but there was a sadness in his already dark blue eyes.

"Well, Leland, it looks like you lost your best friend," she said, standing in front of him with her hands folded in front of her. His dark blond hair was slicked back in a natural wave. As sharp as his appearance was, he didn't look happy. "You and Devlin didn't have a fight, I hope."

"No, nothing like that," he said, trying to force a smile, but Zorell wasn't fooled. She could see how hurt and depressed he looked.

"Then let me guess what it could be," Zorell said, but Leland turned away from her. "Did you damage that beloved car of yours?" He turned around and rolled his eyes at her. "No...? then you must have had a fight with your father... again."

"Not even close, so try again," he said in a sarcastic tone.

"Then it can only be one thing... a girl," she said, but he turned and took a few steps away. "I'm right," she said following him. "Some young woman broke your heart."

"I don't want to talk about it," he said, stopping in front of his sister's bedroom door.

"What's her name?" Zorell asked, but Leland remained silent. "Give me that at least."

"Shanee," he said and walked away. She would have run after him if Eloise hadn't popped her blonde head out from behind her bedroom door.

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