4. car rides.

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The moment we stepped out the door, Andy placed his hand on the small of my back. I shot him a glare, and he merely rolled his eyes.

"Chill out. My hands won't go anywhere else." He said, sounding slightly annoyed.

I sighed. I knew he wouldn't give it a rest unless I let him touch me in some way.


Andy smirked, and his hand remained on the small of my back until we reached the familiar red, rusted truck that had been in the parking lot when I first saw him. Andy stepped in front of me, opening the door and gesturing inside.

"Ladies first." He said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes, trying to play off unimpressed, but I cracked a bit of a smile. I got in the car, crossing my legs and smoothing out my skirt. Andy shut the door, climbing into the drivers seat and pulling out of the parking lot. I scrunched my nose up as I noticed the food wrappers, pop cans and other assorted garbage littering the floor. Andy must have seen me grimacing, because he laughed a bit.

"It's not my truck, don't worry. Ashley's a bit of a slob."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Ashley? Is that your girlfriend?" I asked curiously.

Andy burst out laughing on the spot, leaving my cheeks to blush with crimson red embarrassment. He glanced back at me, his blue eyes glimmering with laughter and amusement.

"The funny thing is, you're not the first person to have asked me that." He smiled, "Ashley is in fact, not a female, and he's my best friend. So no, he is in fact the complete opposite of my girlfriend."

"Oh." I replied, embarrassed. The car was silent for a few moments before I piped up again.

"So, what's this party for?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, what are we celebrating?"

Andy snickered a bit, "It's not a birthday party, sweetheart. We're simply celebrating being young."

I swallowed thickly, "And, if you don't mind me asking, how young ARE you, exactly?"

I could see Andy crack a bit of a smile through the mirror, "I'm 25."

My heart dropped to my stomach. Oh my gosh, what on earth was I thinking??? I was only 19! I was going to a party with a 25 year old... A 25 year old I barely even knew!

Andy must have sensed my panic, because his tone immediately softened, "Hey, don't worry. I'm not a creep or anything." His eyes met mine through the mirror, and I immediately felt my anxiety begin to lower.

"I would never hurt you, Arabella. Or let anyone else hurt you, for that matter. I promise."

And the crazy thing was, even though I barely knew him, something in his gaze made me believe him.

"Y-You do know I'm only 19 though, right?"

"I figured you were only 18 or 19." Andy shrugged, "So what? You're an extremely interesting person. The age gap between us shouldn't matter."

I picked at a loose hangnail on my thumb before changing the subject, "Am I going to know anyone at this party?"

"Probably not. But I'm gonna introduce you to some really fucking awesome people.

"Hey! Foul language!" I shouted, frowning. Andy simply laughed.

"C'monnn, fuck is a fun word to say!!" He retorted, "Plus, why not swear? It's just the unnecessary censorship of words. So you know what I say?" He looked at me with a smirk.

I couldn't help but smile a bit and go along with his game. "What do you say, Andy?"

"I say..." Andy grinned wide, rolling down his front window. He stuck his head out the window, before screaming at the top of his lungs.


My jaw dropped in shock at the amount of profanity in a single setence, and I surprised myself with my own reaction.

I started laughing.

Throwing my head back, I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt. Andy was laughing too, and it only made me laugh more.

"That was..." I stammered in between laughs as I caught my breath, "Insane!! What if there were kids outside who heard you??"

Andy laughed, "Quit being so uptight!"

He turned a corner, into a parking lot for a very rundown, grisly apartment. It looked like it had been there for 50 years and never been renovated, with broken windows, rundown bricks and an overall gross, rundown feeling.

Andy stopped the car and undid his seatbelt, turning from the front seat to face me.

His paralyzing blue eyes, stared into mine, and my heart couldn't help but speed up a little as he smirked at me, scanning my body with his gaze.

"Oh, Arabella, if you think that was crazy, you're sure in for it tonight."


hello it's been 500 years i am so sorry

if you want a full explanation of why i haven't updated, i posted an authors note on my story 'slut'. basically, my mental and physical health has been shit, plus i've been crazily busy, leaving me with no time or energy to update.

anyways this chapter was kinda bad but i rlly just wanted to get back to writing bc i missed it and i missed updating for you guys!!

i hope you're all having a lovely day and stay rad

-bretton xx

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