6- a first time for everything.

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Gulping down my nerves, I took Andy's hand as he led me through the crowd of people. How could so many people fit in such a small place? I felt crammed like a sardine. Andy pulled me through the crowd, into a clearing where there was a dusty old couch, and upon it sat 6 people; 3 girls and 3 boys.

The boys were the ones that had been in the parking lot on the day I had met Andy. All were good looking, with long raven black hair. The one who had 'Outlaw' tattooed along his stomach had a shirt on this time, and he cracked me a smile. His smile was... Mischevious. Intriguing, almost. I wondered what was running through his mind.

The 3 girls that sat with the familar boys were strangers to me, gorgeous strangers though. One sat next to the 'Outlaw' boy, laughing and smiling with him. I assumed they were an item. She had extremely long, wavy hair, which was dyed half red and half black. She was very pale, with dark, dramatic eye makeup. I couldn't help but be a bit intimidated; my parents had warned me to stay away from girls like her. Even with her slightly offputting appearance, she was still gorgeous.

The other two girls sat next to each other. One was very skinny, tall and almost ghostly pale, with extremely long bleached blonde hair. She had unbelievably striking blue eyes, which she surrounded with large rings of black makeup. The last girl was shorter, and more tan than the other girls. Her hair was shoulder length and dyed hot pink, and I noticed her looking at the blonde girl and laughing, a bright twinkle in her eyes. She had an adorable smile.

That's when I looked down at her hands, and I regrettably felt a lump in my throat.

Her and the blonde girl were.... Holding hands.

I immediately had memories rush into my mind, my heart beating with regret and guilt.

"Being gay is a sin, Arabella, you know that."

"Yes, mama. A man should only be with a woman."

"Good girl."

Of course I now realized that wasn't true, but I felt an insane amount of guilt for my former way of thinking.

Looking around at the people surrounding me, my heart felt with even more guilt.

These were the people Mother had told me to stay away from. They were drug addicts, goths, punks, criminals, rapists, satanists... Her voice rang through my ears as if she were right next to me, and now I felt guilty in a different way.

I felt guilty by being around these people.


My head snapped towards the voice, and as soon as I saw those beautiful blue eyes, my mind calmed down.


"These are my friends." Andy smiled softly, gesturing towards the group of people. "Losers, may I introduce you to the wonderful Arabella."

"Oh, it's just Bella." I clarified.

I nervously looked over at the group, but all of them greeted me with warm smiles. Except the blonde girl; she looked me up and down and glared a little.

"Hi, Bella!" The black haired dude with the bandana greeted warmly, "I'm CC, this is Jinxx-"

Jinxx gave off a shy wave and smile, "Pleasure to make your acquaintance."


The boy with the Outlaw tattoo gave me a sly smirk, winking. "Hiya darling."

I couldn't help but blush a bit at Ashley's flirty vibe towards me. I felt Andy tense up next to me.

Was he... Jealous?

"And the lovely ladies over here.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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