Chapter 2 - Sleepsong

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Hi!!! Hope you guys loved the first chapter! I just got a bit to clarify before I continue with this chapter!

I just wanna say, this story will probably include very slow updates, also, Stella and Calum's love life will develop very quickly and it may seem odd BUT it'll all make sense when you guys read on more, and discover more about the two of them.

I've also never written a vampire fan fiction so I'm really not sure how it all works? All i know is I'm going to write vampires the way I want to write them, as I'm sure many other people have done.

Thats pretty much all I need to say! Just needed to clarify their situation, because you guys will probably be confused by how fast their relationship moves along. But trust me, you guys will find out soon....... (insert smirky face emoji to create suspense).


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I turned the page in my book, taking a small bite of the apple in my hand. I'd blocked out the sounds around the school by plugging in my headphones and listening to my calming music. It was only 12:30pm, and I'd already had at least 10 small heart attacks- alongside being extremely sleep deprived and particularly anxious from this mornings mishaps, today made for a really shitty day.

All i could think about was being at home, with a hot chocolate, some chips and netflix. I needed to relax and be alone for a while, school was draining me emotionally and physically lately.

I looked up as i felt a presence behind me. Temporarily shutting my book, I turned around. And suddenly, I had my small, eleventh heart attack for the day.

Calum Hood turned around, hoodie tugged over his head like before as he slowly walked over to where I sat. I turned around, reopening the book. I tried to ignore the unwanted presence, but I couldn't ignore the shadow lurking behind me.

I felt my body stiffen as he passed me, walking over to the entrance of my secret hideout. I glanced up at him, studying the back of him as he stood, hands in pockets. Despite my shaking hands and nervous features, I spoke up.

"Um- hello?" I said, my voice cracking slightly. Calum didn't turn around before answering.

"This place is neat." He spoke, looking around as he turned to face me. "Are you the only one who goes here?"

I felt my stomach flutter in nervousness as I looked up at him. His familiar eyes stared right back in to mine.

"Yeah." I said, my voice small. He nodded, looking around again, as if the amount of glances he'd already had, wasn't enough. I shut my book, leaning forward as I took out my tangled headphones and paused my phone. The supposedly stranger, slowly paced to me, eyes looking everywhere but mine.

"Who are you." The words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them, my fingers absentmindedly interlocking. Calum turned to me, a smirk on his lips as he rose an eyebrow. Silence fell between us as he paced over to where I sat. I looked up at him, feeling smaller than ever as he stood before me. His intimidating, large frame stood dominantly over mine. I wanted to cripple away in fear and run away. But I remained there, feeling the same sense of connection to him- I was unable to pull away from him. He somehow had a hold on me.

"We've been through this, Stella."

"I know your name," I justified, trying to find a strength in my voice, which it significantly lacked. "But I want to know who you are."

I moved as Calum sat down beside me, long knees awkwardly bent as he tried to fit on the small space beside me. I was shocked by the familiarity of this situation, and how endearing he was up this close.

All I could say now, was this man was a not a stranger- far from it.

"I'm just Calum Hood. My story isn't significant enough to retell." He spoke, giving me a small shrug. I shook my head, looking up at him, into his eyes. Even up this close, the sense of familiarity was not absent. This wasn't the first day my eyes had met his. I'd looked into these eyes before, and I know for a fact I'd once loved them.

"Do I know you..?" I said, eyebrows furrowing as I tried to figure out what was going on. Surely God or whatever was out there, was only trying to have a laugh with me- the universe was trying to confuse the life out of me, and to break my walls down, as so far they were succeeding significantly.

"I don't know," he chuckled. "Do you?"

I fell silent, my parted mouth closing. Did I? Or was it only my lack of sleep finally fucking with my mind? Had I totally just made an absolute idiot of out myself in front of this insanely attractive new guy?

"Sorry... You just... You seem familiar. I don't know why."

"Yeah, I get that a lot." He said, eyes running down to my lips as I slowly licked them. I awkwardly turned away, looking down at the ground in front of me.

"I know this is totally random and I'm probably going to make an absolute fool out of myself here..." He spoke up, clearing his throat slightly. I returned my gaze to him, nodding my head slightly to encourage him.

"But I've just transferred here, do you mind showing me around the city? Say, maybe tonight?"

I paused, feeling myself freeze as I instantly began to come up with stupid excuses in my head like, "I'm grounded" or "I can't go out on school nights" but both were completely untrue. And honestly, I wanted to figure out more about this so called stranger, and maybe this was exactly what I needed. Before I could fully think the situation through, I nodded.

"I guess that would be okay."

Calum grinned, eyes looking directly into mine. I offered him a crooked smile back, wishing I had thoroughly thought it through before answering. He nodded, looking back out in front of him. I did the same, looking out at the wall of vines as I tried to come up with a conclusion as to whether agreeing with the plans was either a bad decision or a terrible decision. He could be a murderer for all I know- who's to say he's not luring me in just to skin me and use my skin for a lamp shade?

The bell rang though, signalling lunch was over. I stood, gathering all my things together. I leant over, picking up my bag and shoving my book in.

"So... Um, what time did you want to..." But as i stood straight, I noticed he was no longer here. Confused, I looked around, trying to find the brown eyed boy somewhere near. But he wasn't.

He'd somehow slipped away from here without me noticing, and it made me wonder if he was even here in the first place? What if he was only a figment of my imagination- was that even possible?

I wearily slipped the bag strap over my shoulder as i took one last look around the small area. But there was no trace of him anywhere. So, I began making my way back to the oval, from behind the bleachers as I relived that whole situation in my mind, a thousand times over.

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