Chapter 61 - The Cure

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toot toot, another chappy

I glanced over at Daisy, expecting to feel myself full of fear. But fear held too much emotion and I was deemed emotionless- senseless, even. I felt apprehensive, if anything.

"You gon' do it?" She asked, watching the ongoing traffic under us. I nodded my head at her words, looking at Greep as he reappeared by my side, a grin on his lips.

"Fuck, for a dead person I'm feeling pretty fucking alive." He said, his hair all ruffled from the wind. I looked over at Daisy, a smile appearing on my lips.

"Okay, I'm ready."

"Don't let go of my hand, okay? Otherwise you'll become visible to everyone and the last thing you'd want is for someone to fucking catch you." She hummed, taking my hand. I nodded, stepping closer towards the edge.

"Greep, tell us when it's okay to go." Daisy called, looking at me with a smile.

"Just remember, you're dead Stella. The worst has already happened to you."

I nodded out of realisation, squeezing her hand before looking back at the speeding traffic. I hadn't even realised Greep shouted for us to go- one minute I was standing on the top of the overpass, the next, I was falling to the ground. I felt a spark of adrenaline throughout my body- somehow I felt something. It was magnificent, Greep was right: for a dead person, I did feel pretty fucking alive. It was beautiful.

Daisy grinned at me as we continued to fall, everything appearing in slow motion. I looked over at her, just as we landed on the top of a wide, cartel bus. We landed quietly on the tin, the two of us falling from our feet, to our bums. I couldn't stop myself from happily grinning, as I turned and stared at her.
I could not even begin to describe what I just felt. It was as though a bright beam of light had just been shoved through my chest, and was left to burry itself inside of me. It started at my toes, and spread throughout my bloodstream, igniting emotions in me that I thought i'd never get to feel again. For a lack of better words, it was exhilarating.

The sensation from falling was still rattling around in my bones, I could feel the cold wind on my skin as if the free fall was still in continuation. It was actually quite beautiful; for a few seconds, I felt like I was flying.

"What the fuck! That was awesome!" I smiled as she let out a small laugh, nodding her head eagerly.

Though the adrenaline was extremely short lived, it was still there. It was the most thing I'd felt for the past two days and it was so fucking exhilarating. It almost made up for feeling like a lifeless zombie; the happiness momentarily distracted me from the reality of my situation. I was thankful for being shown this.

I clung onto Daisy, laughing loudly as she did the same, gently nudging me.

"See? The equilibrium can be fun, you just have to do the things that'd terrify you if you were still alive." She grinned, looking out to the winding road ahead of us. I nodded out of acknowledgment, letting my mind dwell on her statement as I watched the cars whiz by alongside us. She was right, I felt like I maybe had a dying (for lack of better words) chance of making it through this week.

I continued to gaze out at the cars, feeling the same stone cold emptiness slowly settle in as the adrenaline wore away. I was sad to see it go, but I tried to distract myself from the feeling.

"So... where does this take us?" I asked, a a hint of a smile still on my lips. She gently shrugged in response, pushing her hair back with her free hand.

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