Chapter 78 - If We Have Each Other*

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mmmmmfffff this photo
(also y'all really thot that was really the last smut scene.......)

I was undoubtedly exhausted by the time Michael stepped in and demanded we switched positions. I almost completely missed the door slamming open and his touch on my shoulder- he told me something like "Calum's waiting for you and is adamant you need a break".

Complete and utter relief overcame me as I shakily stood up, thankful of Michael for saving me from this exhausting yet rewarding task. Don't get me wrong- I loved helping others and being the first thing they saw when their eyes flew open, but it was also very draining. I grew tireder and tireder the longer I dragged on, placing my lips on their temples and fumbling around until my hand met the space just above their heart. I didn't stop until I felt the thumping of their now beating heart, and with each life I brought back, I felt this small sense of pride settle in.

Gwen was the one who helped steady them, getting them food and keeping them stable before sending them out.

Michael inherited my power by cutting my skin, mirroring the same cut on his wrist before bringing our blood together. It was fascinating to watch, peering across at him as his eyes fluttered closed, hands beginning to shake and his skin paling out. When our eyes met again, he gave me this thankful smile and turned, sitting where I was and telling me to go get cleaned up.

I watched from the doorway as he brought back his first victim, the power working almost instantly. I even lingered for a little bit longer before deciding I had to go find Calum.

So I paced back down the hall, smiling at a few people who passed. My feet instinctively drew me back the way I came, and soon enough, I was met with those familiar doors. I pushed them open, spotting Ashton sitting by the corner, looking down at a scribbled on map.

"Hey, where's Calum?" I asked once he noticed my presence.

"Out there with Luke." He lazily replied, gesturing toward the opposite doors with a flick of his head. I smiled thankfully, stepping over towards it. But before I left, with my hand grasping the handle, I turned back over to him.

"And the bathroom..?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't catch on to my play it cool tone. A look of amusement took over his features, hazel eyes flickering across to meet mine. I gave him a shy smile once I noticed he had caught me out on my questioning- I mean it wasn't the subtlest of times. Asking where Calum was and the bathrooms straight after, it was clear I was getting him in there for some alone time.

"At the very back of the building, far right hand side. You won't miss it." He replied, eyebrows cocking up slightly. I nodded, pushing open the door and exiting swiftly.

Ignoring what had just happened, I pulled the door shut and glanced around. I spotted Calum and Luke almost immediately, his irreplaceable figure acting like a magnet to my gaze.
I wrapped my arms around myself and wandered over to where they stood. My eyes lingered on Calum, glancing across the expanse of his beautiful figure, happiness filling me at the thought of being reunited again. Despite the fact we only spent a few hours apart.

He looked at me the second I approached them, a smile etching onto his lips. I returned it, stepping into his open arm and feeling my body relax in his warming touch. My eyes never left his.

"There you are." His voice was soft yet carried hues of excitement, fingers running down the length of my arm. I nodded up at him, remaining oblivious to Luke who still stood there, smiling to himself pit of pure amusement.

"I'm gonna clean myself up." I said, gaze flickering across to Luke, offering him a nod of the head. He returned it, tilting his head and taking a small step back. Calum softly nodded, wrapping his hand in mine and giving it a firm squeeze.

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