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Matts PoV.

I watched as Oliver, my best friend made his way into my sisters room trying to fake a smile like everyone else in this house, me trying to keep busy doing anything and everything.

I rushed down the spotless stairs slamming the front house door and jumping into my car not really knowing what or where I'm going.

There i was sitting there, the same place i had gone with my beautiful twin, somewhere i had never felt down.

"Matthew" my name was called suspiciously. I turned around instantly to see Alec standing there confused. "Hey" i said while turning back around on the bench he is sat on.

i tried to ignore the new figure that had sat next to him.

"Are you okay" those three words...how to you answer them? With a lie? Usually! But i dont want to lie... "not good"

"Not good at all, my amazing beautiful sister is laying in bed pretty much lifeless and what can i do, abdulootly nothing" i sounded bitter i knew that "i promised i woukd always protect her, look after her, make sure no harm came to her" the first tear dropped then the second, for me to feel a hand cover mine

"I know matthew, i know" alec spoke comforting me and somehow it worked, he didnt need to say anything just be here with me

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