Can you keep a secret?

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"I want to tell you a secret but first you need to promise me that you won't tell anyone," I whispered at the man's ear in who's standing in front of me. He is what some define as a perfect man; Tall, dark, and handsome. Too bad he's gonna be gone forever.

"Uhhh.. I-I-" He stuttered as I caress his chest and shoulders then, he cleared his throat and continued, "I promise." 

I smiled flirtily at him and said, "Good, I just want you to know that-" I purposely cut myself off then, started circling him and lightly touching him by the third time I stopped behind him and licked his neck up to his earlobe, He gulped loudly at that. I smirked and said, "I'm a vampire." 

HIs eyes grew wide and he began to breathe heavily and asked, "A what?"

"A Vampire, dear," I said then, pulled his hair so his neck is expose to me. He struggled with such force that if I were a human I would knocked down.

"Please don't, I don't want to die yet," he said in a pleading voice.

''Too bad,'' I said then, sank my fangs into his neck. He tastes sweet like a milk chocolate, hmmmm. I drank slowly, savoring his taste.

After a few minutes I heard the voice that I hate so much.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the famous Miranda," I opened my eyes and stopped drinking from the man I was holding. He groaned and passed out, but he's not dead yet. I shouldn't have drank slowly from him. ugh. 

"What do you want, Vade?" I asked in an emotionless tone.

''Nothing but I've got something you want," He said while slowly grinning evilly.

"What you found the antedote for me to be human again?" I sarcatically said.


"What's the catch?"

"Miranda, why do always think that I want something in return?" He said feigning innocence.

I snorted and told him to go straight to the point.

"Well, bring Olivia back to life," he said. Olivia was his wife who's also a vampire but she died from a battle two ceturies ago. Alot of tales that said that once a Vampire has been killed their souls would be stuck at a black pit alone but you need the Golden Flower  and some ritual to bring them back but the Golden Flower has been lost for centuries now and no one has ever known why well, except for me.

"Had you knocked your head or something? because you seem to forget that it's gone!"

"That's where you come in. I know you know where it is"


"Do you want the antedote or not?"

"How would I know that you're not just fooling me?" I asked raising my left eyebrow at him.

Then he pulled out a small bottle from his pocket. From the moment I saw it I know that it's the one because of the strong power it possess.

"Ok, I'll do it "

"Good. By next month we shall meet again and you need to have the Golden Flower. " BY that he jumped out the window.

I heard the man groaned and opened his eyes, from that moment I knew that he bacame one of us.

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