Ice for a Heart and a Black Rose to give

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I was suppose to continue this story but everytime I try  I can't think of something maybe because the prologue says it all? dunno. but yeah, The cover at the side was made by shakenchi. You can check her out here, she makes amazing covers.  

that's all. thankssss. 


Has someone broke your heart before or even now? A lot of people my age says that yes, they experienced being heart broken before, at first I thought, 'that's what you for being in a hurry.' but now all I know is that I ate my words. Hypocrite? Maybe I am. 

I loved him, I thought that he's the one, I even decieved my parents when we weren't allowed to talk to each other but now, I regret that I didn't listen to my parents before...that I ignored all the signs that were right in front of me but then again, we were never together, I don't even know where we stand, I just know that we are special to each other... Or so I thought.

I was a fool for thinking that he'll wait for me, that he's gonna talk to my parents and ask for there acceptance, that when we grow old we're gonna be together but all it was was wishful thinking, a childish dream thinking everything has an happy ending that love is enough. I should have known from the start that it'll never work out because my parents, and grandparents on both sides are divorced, my aunts and uncle are anulled, my third cousin is an old maid...maybe living alone runs in the family.

But do you wanna know a secret? I expected it to come. You might think that I'm crazy now. I'm not dense to not know that he's being cold to me but even though I already know what's coming I still held onto him because I thought that there's still a chance for us but we were not in the same page because he gave up, let go, turned his back on me and that f*cking hurts.

I still have my pride of course, so I said to him that I was going to break up with him sooner or later. And you know what? I didn't cried for him because I said to myself that it was meant to happen and that he doesn't deserve my tears. Until now, I'm torn into being happy that I'm free or lonely because I know in my heart that I still have feelings him but I'm not gonna show that to anyone. 

So now, I learned my lesson, I'm ready to face the world and it's challenges head first but I won't be the same Riley Blue Acosta anymore.

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