Sad Songs

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Wrote this back in 2013-2014 and didn't get to finish the story. so I'll just add it here without editing. This story was inspired by The Maine's song Sad songs.

       AUGUST 29, 2013

"Pops! Can you tell me a story?Please?!!" Kynthia my eldest granddaughter said.

I pretended to think about it and she started pleading and giving me her puppy face. I laughed and said, "Ok,ok. What do you want to talk about?"

"Hmmmm..A Love story! But I don't want fairytales because I'm too old for that." She said. I shook my head at her, she's only ten years old and she can't wait to grow up oh and if it isn't obvious enough at her age she's already a hopeless romantic.

"Ok,but after this you need to go to bed." I told her and giving her a commanding look.

She nodded her head and I let my heart do the talking, "When I was a young man I met..."As I said that it feels like I'm back to at that year 1976, I can still remember all the details of that day...

APRIL 21,1976

I was opening our store when a lady wearing an expensive looking dress walked by looking lost so I went to her and tapped her shoulder when she finally looked at me she frowned, "Yes?" she said, annoyance is on her face.

"I just thought that you needed help because you look lost," I said.

"Well,I'm not asking for your help." She said and rolled her eyes.

"Ok then. Help yourself" I said and returned to opening the store.

I kept on looking at her. After 30 minutes, (yes I've been counting the minutes) she started getting red-faced from the heat and irritation, she keeps on talking someone on the mobile phone. So, I walked up to her again.

"Wow, what a sunny day today, don't you think?" I said, looking around and balancing my self on the heel of my feet.

She scoffed and turned away from me.

I smiled amused and shook my head lightly. "You know, if you would just ask for help, I would gladly do it"

She rolled her eyes and glared at me.

"Can't you get a hint? I don't want your help!" She shouted at me

"Ok, ok. No need to get worked up about it." I told her, raising my hands, surrendering.

She glared at me even more, that I'm so sure her eyes turned into slits. I gulped, and walked back to the store just in time as people started filling in.

I shook my head and smiled secretly, well it's worth a try. I thought. Hours gone by, it's almost evening and she's still outside with a scowl on her face when a thunder rumbled through the skies.I saw her looked up and I saw her mouth moving like she's saying a prayer or something as soon as she finished, the rain started pouring down, she shrieked and ran to the nearest shed.

She hugged herself and at first I thought she's going to start to shout at the heavens but she surprised me by leaning on the wall behind her and watched the rain quietly, like it's the most interesting and special thing in the world. She looked like a child seeing the rain for the first time.

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