Sleepover in Paul's Room

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Me and Danny walked down the hall hand in hand, i am very satisfied with myself now that Danny has asked me out, he is my 1st actual boyfriend, when i kissed him that was actually my 1st kiss, i told him that i really wasn't liked at home

i realized that i still haven't checked my phone since the movies 2 days ago, i pulled out my phone

"Am i able to use my phone yet?" i asked Danny

"go ahead" Danny sad with the biggest smile on his face

i turned on my phone and opened twitter because i know that danny and Paul obvisiouly tweeted, but then my notifications also blew up (a/n i know how much it blows up cause paul commented on one of my tweets before)

dannys tweet from movie night read: Guys give no hate for this girl (then there was a picture of me and i was tagged) i really love her and she has made my life amazing, i think im going to ask her out

my eyes flew open, "You loved me the whole time?"
"yep, since i first laid my eyes on you"

i started to shed a tear and i stopped walking and hugged Danny, like really tight

he pulled back after a while, "I never knew i meant so much to you" Danny said to me

"You have meant the world to me ever since i watched your 1st video, when we're in our room i need to show you something"

"is it something bad?"

"sort've can you just promise to not be mad?"

i held out my pinkie, and he hooked his pinkie with it,"i promise"

"now lets go watch that movie, i really hope it isn't scary" i said

"even if it is i got you" he said as he grabbed my hand again and we walked down the hallway

we started to approach their door and it was open so we just walked in


"sorry" paul and luke said at the same time

i ran over and grabbed the pizza, "the rest is mine and Danny's, if we don't finish it THEN you can eat more"

i grabbed the pizza and put it on the bed luke and paul wasn't sitting on and i grabbed a piece and started eating it, then i immeadiately spit it out

"ewwww this is gross" i said

"No its not" Luke pleaded

"Where's good guys when you need it? now i see why this pizza was so cheap"

"whatever, you're just a new yorker, their pizza is the best"

"yea i know no pizza can beat good guys"

"would you like me to go get ingeadiants so you can make a pizza?" Danny asked me

"We can go together, you guys can eat the gross pizza"

me and Danny walked out, i peeked my head back in, "me and danny will actually just eat in our room and sleep in there" then i whispered, "were dating now" with the biggest smile on my face

"yea we know Danny tweeted" paul loudly whispered

"oh" i just said regularly, "well see you guys tomorrow!!!!"

i walked out, "do you know where any grocery store is?"

"no idea, well have to get a taxi, i have to go grab my money all meet you at the front of the hotel" 

then i stated to sprint down the halls and up the stairs, mainly cause its so much faster than the elevator, i grabbed $50 and sprinted back down, and ran to the lobby

danny wasn't even there yet when i got there so i just sat down

then eventully danny slowly started walking toward me,"wow you're fast" he said

"yea i ran track in highschool"

"oh wow"

(skip to when pizza is done and watvhing a movie)

"do we have to watch a scary one?" i asked

"yea you said you never saw one before"

"but that doesn't mean i want to watch one"

"well to bad"

danny turned on a movie i couldn't see the name of

immeadiately there was a jump scare and i practically launched into Danny's chest and he wrapped his arms around me then i calmed down and fell asleep


A/N sorry this one was short but i am really tired today :(

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