The Finale

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(well its not the Finale just the last chapter before the epilogue, completely spelled wrong but yea, i am starting to after they had sex, the next morning)

i woke up and turned towards Danny


"yes, Ash?"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"no you don't understand," i started, "you know how i told you i was taking birth control pills so i wouldn't get pregnant?"
"yea, and thats why we didn't use a condom"
"well i kinda lied"
then his eyes go wide
"why did you lie, you could've changed our lives forever"
"well i don't believe that just one time can get me pregnant"
"I DO," then Danny lowers his voice, "i have a nephew, his name is Phillip, he is my sisters son, my sister was 16, her 1st time and they didn't use protection, and she had the baby when she was 17"
"im sorry Danny, i should've told you"
"yea you should have, but today i have an interview to get a job, and i know you have one too, so its put this behind us and hope it won't affect us more than it already has"
"ok" i said with a sigh as i got out of bed and walked over to my closet, cool thing with this apartment was that there was 2 closets in the master bedroom, i open it up and pull out a plush colored tank top, a gray cardigan from aeropastel and light jeans, and my black vans

i quickly shower and dry my hair, then i decide to straighten it, all in which im in a bathrobe, then i get dressed, check myself in the mirror and decide im ready to go

"where's your interview to again?" Danny asked me
"Fashion designing, where's yours?"
"Fred's Electric, i took advanced engineering in high school"
"i hope you get it"
"you too"

=======skip to after interviews======

i unlock the door to the apartment and see danny sitting at the island in the kitchen on his phone

"did you get it?" i ask Danny
"i don't know yet, what about you?"
"i got it!!!!"
"really? how much does it pay?"
"$43 an hour"
"thats amazing!!! we will never have to move from this huge place"
"i know its perfect"

============= 3 days later=============

my period is 2 days late, and this makes me worried, i get in my car and i drive to the nearest drug store and get a pregnancy test, well actually 4.

i get home and take one right away, and i wait for it to dry while sitting at the island

when i was about to hit 3 minutes Danny walked into the kitchen

"hey babe, what'cha doing"

then danny starts to walk to the table and looks at the test, the blue has just started to appear


"it must be wrong" I say
"i hope so"
"im going to go take another one"
"take all of them" danny calls back

i go back into the bathroom and take the other 3 tests and i go back into the kitchen with danny sitting there propping is head with his hands and looking down at the test

i put the other 3 in front of him i sit next to him looking at the tests along with him

4 minutes pass and i say

"danny, they're all positive"
"i see that"
"are you going to leave me?"
"i don't know yet"

then tears started to fill my eyes

after danny hugs me, "im going to stay with you the whole time" then he slowly slides off the stool and gets down on one knee with a ring in his hands

"Ashyln Radford, Will you marry me?"

i get up from the chair, 


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