My Mistake

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"I NEED TO SHOW YOU something" he starts to quiet down when he opens the door to my bathroom
"what do you NEED to show me at this moment?"
"1st cover yourself if you don't want me seeing you"
"youre fine just show me"
he opens the curtain to show me his eyebrow
"yea you like?"
after i finished he closed the curtain and walked out of the bathroom, i quickly finished my shower and got out, braided my hair to keep out of the way and got changed

i walked out of the bathroom to look for danny, except i couldn't find him, i walk over to the window and see that his car isnt in the parking lot

shit. i dont know how im going to make up for this

i call paul, it rings 3 times before he answers,
A: do you know where danny is?
A: can you tell me where he is?
P: no
A:why not?
P: he doesnt want to talk to you at the moment
A: are you at least with him?
P: yea
A: will you please put me on speaker phone then?
P: yea Danny can hear you now
A: thank you paul, Danny, i am sorry that i freaked out about your eyebrow piercing, now that i think of it, you look good with it
D: [through sobs] then, then, why did you yell at, [he pauses to breath in hard] me, i wanted to just suprise you, [he breathes in hard again] i didnt know that you don't like piercings
A: I don't, i am sorry, but for you i am willing to get any sort of piercing or tattoo, because i love you

then paul hung up

i decided then to grab my keys and drive to pauls house, i drove there using no popular streets and i got there in 5 minutes flat, i parked and walked up the the front door and i knocked on the door and a girl opened the door, she looked about 24

"hi, im jasmine, are you ash?"
"yea, is paul and danny here?"
"yea they're in the basement, but be quiet, i dont think they want you here cause danny's a mess"
"yea i know i heard him on the phone"
"yea so just be quiet" jasmine said stepping to the side guesturing for me to come in
"thank you"
"no problem, the door is closed so just be careful"
"ok i will"

i walk over to the basement door and silently open the door step onto one of the steps and silently close the door, i tip toe down the stairs and i see danny on the couch in a ball in tears watching something on the tv, he doesn't notice me but paul does

he guestures his head for me to go over to behind the couch and sit next to him on the opposite side of paul, i tiptoe over and danny still doesn't notice me, then i quickly sit on the couch and i wrap my arms around him, and he jumps at my presents and i talk fast

"Danny i am so sorry, i know you don't want to see me and i know you would rather continue just watching the movie, and no this wasn't pauls idea, it was mine, because i needed to see you and i needed to see that paul was being the best friend to you that i know he is and i am so sorry for discrimminating against you piercing when it is very handsome, and you are finally" and then Danny kisses me
"Ash, i should be apologizing to you, i made a bigger deal than i should have" then he kisses me again and continues talkin, "i couldn't have stayed mad at you forever, you are one of my best friends, and most importantly my girlfriend, and i couldn't let a little thing like this get between us, if you want i can get rid of it"
"no no no i love it, it makes you look punk, and punks are hot"
this makes danny blush, "and danny, i was thinking, maybe because of this i can take away that one month wait"
then his eyes go wide, "really?"
"yea i guess so, i mean i did this to make you mad you did that thing a few days ago"

i hold out my hand, "Deal?" 
he shakes it, "deal"


just a heads up, im going to finish this story soon, and im not going to make a chapter of them having sex, BUT i had a lot of fun writing thhis book and it turns to be pretty long, but sorry for he semi short chapters they are sorta just fillers and "page turners"

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