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Maya was scared. There was no question about it. She was also in unimaginable pain, and the Earth was paying the price.

Bits and pieces of memories were coming back to her in waves, each one more painful and intense than the last. It had started when she stumbled away from the demolished table in shock. Using her powers had somehow kick started her brain. 

She remembered sneaking into Star Labs, and at first it only pinched like a bee sting. Then flashes of Barry and Cisco hit her and the pain intensified.

By the time she regained the images of Stein rolling up with an unconscious Jax in the passenger seat of his convertible, she was on her knees, clutching her head. She wanted to scream, but it was the dead of night, and she had a feeling drawing any more attention to herself would be a mistake.

The visions of her past sped up, like her brain had pressed fast forward, and the pain increased exponentially. She felt like she was being crushed under a massive weight, and the worst part was that the weight was inside her head. Soon it became too much for her to bear. She slammed her palms into the dirt and cried out as surges of energy rocketed out of her hands. The ground rumbled and fissures appeared all around her. The ground shook and leaves began to fall out of the trees around her. The waves of power seemed to have drawn the pain out of her, but she didn't have time to experience any form of relief. 

She'd unleashed enough sonic waves to cause a full scale earthquake. A quake that would no doubt level everything for miles.  

She had done it again, but this time The Flash wasn't there to save anyone. People were going to die. She was going to have even more innocent blood on her hands. She shook her head desperately and tears began to streak down her face. 

She was already starting to see the destruction she was causing. All around her the ground was falling apart and trees were coming crashing down. She knew if someone didn't do something, everything was going to go to hell. Then realization slapped her in the face. She was the only one there. She was the only one who could do anything. She was the only one who could right her wrongs.

Maya's eyes hardened and she knelt to the ground with a new sense of determination. She was about to do something she'd never tried before. Something Cisco had only every had theories about. Something that could definitely kill her. 

Maya was going to try to draw all the energy back into her body. 

She took three deep breaths, and placed her fingertips gently onto the shaking ground. She focused on the feeling of the Earth moving underneath her. She reached out with her mind, searching for the pulses the were wreaking havoc on her world. When she finally zeroed in on one, she imagined wrapping her fist around it, and pulling it back into her veins. 

At first nothing happened, and she was worried she was going about it all wrong. The she forced herself to focus. If Star Wars had taught her anything, it was that being calm and having complete concentration was the key to success. Moments later she felt a rush like nothing she'd ever experienced. 

She was actually doing it. The intensity of the shaking had already diminished. She kept reaching, and she kept pulling, until the ground was still. 

And at some point, her body had started to glow. Faintly at first, but as more raw and unfiltered power came back into her, the light grew. Her skin began to heat up and soon she was shining so brightly the entire clearing was bright as day. 

Then with one magnificent pulse, the light vanished and Maya crumpled to the ground.  

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