Lillians First Year

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Chapter 15 .... Lillian's POV...

"Look Mom its a funny letter with my name on it!"I said coming into the kitchen with an owl attached to my shoulder.

"Is that the owl that delivered it?"my Mom asked turning from the stove.

My dad came walking in with Harry and Neville..

"Yes it delivered it just five minutes ago."I said putting my arm by my shoulder it hopped on and climbed to my elbow where I then placed it on the chair.

"Well strange they never stay they always leave. And it doesn't seem to be interested in payment."my father said

"That's because she's mine she's been my owl for two years since nine when I went to mail a letter with Harry and she'd fallen from the way top trying to fly her wing had been hurt I caught her. After that Snow White has been grateful to me. We nursed her back to health with help from Carlissa."I said stroking my owl.

I handed the note to my mom who'd read it.

"Well its off to Diagon Alley for your robes and money from Gringgotts along with quills and ink plus parchment papers and you'll be having your father's books first year."my Mom said

"Actually Lillian you can have my first year books seeing as I'll need my third years books although it would be useless since we know all the spells from first year an up all the way to seventh year."Harry said.

"That sweet Harry thank you!"I said sitting down in a chair.

"And we also need a cauldron. I assume Harry is giving his first years gloves too."my mom said as dad served the breakfast and she looked at it.

"Wait so its not a school acceptance letter but a letter of supplies?"my dad asked

"Yes no letter just a list of school supplies."my mom said

"Well technically speaking I was born in Hogwarts and showing signs of magic earlier than Harry so they've felt the need to leave out the acceptance letter."I said

"That is true you were playing pranks on people at three months!"my mom said

"Yes as I remember you got your first wand then but was never to touch it until five years old. But many wands were taken from their owners and we couldn't keep a babysitter because you've had them floating. So you were raised in Hogwarts and eventually you quit playing pranks on the students and houses. Your first broom at three years when harry was five you took his."my dad George said serving the last plate.

I laughed and they did too.

"You look nervous!"my mom said whose hair was pulled up.

"I'm just wondering if there's going to be a train fight again like last time when I was on the train."I said

Then I turned my attention to my breakfast and ate it.

We all finished breakfast and I went upstairs to fetch my jacket.

I turned around and there's a house elf sitting on my trunk.

I scream and run into the hall bouncing off my brother and around him.

I see Sam Winchester running up the stairs.

"Sam!"I screamed running to his side Harry following me.

"Lillian I heard screaming I just came in the door what's wrong?"he asked kneeling to my height.

"A monster sitting on a trunk with my name on it."I said

And sure enough the house elf came dragging my trunk with it.

"Sorry to startling you young girl but I've packed your trunk for tomorrow's trip. I was going to have it waiting for you there at Hogwarts."it said

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