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A/N Yes this book will be in past tense and the preface was in present tense. It happens. I'm sticking to it. So anyway, yeah enjoy chapter one. Also bold print in the story, not the AN but the story itself is actual text from the game and does not belong to me.

This picture is not mine, I got it from the google and the deviantart user's name is Richimii 


Frisk was tired and their heart was heavy in their chest. They hadn't wanted to leave Toriel behind and even now they swore they could hear her echoing sobs. Frisk knew it wasn't fair, but they had to keep going. Already they could tell there was something wrong with the air. It didn't feel right in their lungs. Something about it was off and it was heavy and hard to inhale. Maybe the air was simply thicker in the underground? Whatever the reason, breathing was difficult and their lungs burned with each unwilling breath. 

Sighing, Frisk continued to walk along the snowy pathway noticing how thickly packed the trees were. They tried not to worry, but the atmosphere did not seem too friendly. Frisk started to walk faster but quickly tripped and fell, landing hard on the icy ground. Turning their head, they noticed a thick branch on the ground and, a few seconds later, it snapped as if broken by invisible hands. Scrambling to their feet they took off at a run, stumbling on a patch of ice just before the bridge that would lead them to safety. They skidded, landing in a heap at the very end of the bridge, panting and gasping as they tried to get their breath. For a long moment their body refused to get up, to run, and the shadowy figure approached, sending Frisk's heart pounding in their ears. They didn't want to die again, it was always so painful and terrifying and they did NOT want to have to fight Toriel again. The emotional toll had been bad enough the first time. 

"H u m a n. D o n' t  y o u  k n o w  h o w  t o  g r e e t  a  n e w  p a l? T u r n  a r o u n d  a n d  s h a k e  m y  h a n d." The voice was cold, though not unfriendly and Frisk stumbled to their feet, slowly turning around. 

They couldn't see anything in the freezing wind and snow. Acting on a gut instinct they reached out for the handshake, hoping it didn't end terribly. 

Their hand met what felt like bone and, as they squeezed to shake, there was the loud sound of a whoopee cushion. The snow calmed down and Frisk's confusion and fear turned to mirth as they saw the skeleton holding their hand, laughing under their breath. 

"Heheh, the old whopee cushion in the hand trick. It's always funny. Anyway, you're a human right? That's hilarious. I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton. I'm actually supposed to be on watch for humans right now, but you know. I don't really care about capturing anybody. But my brother Papyrus, he's a human hunting fanatic. Hey, actually, I think that's him over there. I have an idea. Go through this gate thingy, yeah go right through. Bro made the bars too wide to stop anyone. "  

Frisk went through the hole in the gate, feeling anxious. This skeleton, Sans?, seemed friendly enough and they decided to trust him, for now anyway. It was the best option ahead of them, anyway.

They were now in a wider area with a strange purple lamp and a small building that looked a bit like a sentry station. Frisk didn't step any farther, looking to Sans for some kind of guidance. He seemed to know what he was doing and the less death Frisk had to deal with, the better. Let Sans talk to his brother and smooth this all out, then they'd be on their way.

"Quick! Behind that conveniently shaped lamp." 

Frisk hurried behind the lamp, struggling to catch their breath. This Papyrus probably wasn't going to be friendly and Frisk was terrified of dying again. Every time they died the pain in their chest got worse and breathing became more difficult. Now they were coughing and panic was starting to flare in the back of their mind. Sure they would regenerate but that didn't mean that dying didn't hurt. It made everything worse. But no, Sans seemed nice and in the Underground that had to be enough, it was all Frisk had to go on. 

They brought their focus back to the conversation, which seemed to be ending. 

".... put a little more backbone into it. Nyeh heh heh heh!" There was a pause. "Heh!"

"Okay you can come out now. You oughta get going, he might come back. And if he does, you'll have to sit through more of my hilarious jokes."

Frisk signed a quick thank you, then paused. They were getting pretty hungry and would have to eat something soon. They wanted to save Toriel's pie for a special occasion. Maybe Sans would have some ideas?

"Know where to get some food?" Sans signed glancing up at Sans. "I need something to eat.

"We'll go to Grillbys, he's got everything." Sans stuck his hands in his pockets, gesturing down the path. "It isn't too much farther to Snowdin anyway." 

"What's Snowdin?" Fisk signed, squinting through the storm, as if something would materialize up ahead. 

"It's a town, where Pap and I live. It's a little ways up the road. It has Grillbys and the Inn and a bunch of houses and a few other places." He shrugged. "You can get some food and warm up for the night, at least." He looked at them sideways. "Where are you going, anyway?"

"To meet the king, so I can go home. The air is funny down here, it doesn't feel right. I can't stay." 

"The king, huh? You heard how he feels about humans yet?" Sans's expression is a little too blank, a little too controlled.

"Like everyone else down here does?"  Frisk's smirk is humorless. "If I stay here too long I'll die. Like I said, something's wrong with the air here, it isn't the same as surface side." 

"Well, sorry it isn't topside." Sans's reply was sharp, but he sighed. "Okay, okay kid I get you. I understand. Well, let's get you to Asgore and then we'll go from there, alright?"

"You're going to help me?" 

"Sure thing kid, I don't have anything better to do." Sans shrugs and smiles. "Welcome to Snowdin." 

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