The Threat

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This story might get slightly Underfell-y or at least Pap and Mettaton might. I kinda like their Underfell versions, tbh. And possibly a little Underfell Sans, at times. I have the ending planned out, I'm just not sure how to tie it into what I'm doing now. But, the way things are looking, this is gonna be on the long side as far as stories go. Hope you guys enjoy!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Sans remembers Frisk from the other timelines, which is why he's so attached to them right away. It isn't me jumping ahead in the story xD Frisk isn't gonna be as attached because they only kind of remember the other story lines, this will be explained more later.

Also this art came from deviantart user maricaripan and is not mine.


"Now Pap, remember to stay calm." Sans voice reverberated through his rib cage, buzzing against Frisk's face where it was hidden in the back of his shirt. "They don't want to hurt anyone, especially not you."

"This is the human?" The taller skeleton asked, peeking over Sans's shoulder to get a better look. "They're only a child. I could kill them easily and take their soul to Undyne yet, you protect them. Why, brother?"

Frisk bit their lip, visibly trembling behind Sans. Papyrus's words did little to match what Sans had said about his brother being nice. They were sure Sans wouldn't let Papyrus hurt them, but it didn't mean that Sans would always be on their side. Especially not when it came to his brother.

"Because they're different, Pap. They're, just," Sans sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. "Papyrus, this is Frisk. Frisk, this is my brother Papyrus." He stepped to the side, so the two could formally meet.

Remembering their manners, Frisk held out a trembling hand to shake. Sans's sleeve slid up their arm, catching Papyrus's attention. He turned to his brother, eye sockets lit with the beginnings of red magic. Frisk, sensing trouble, backed up, holding up their hands in a sign of defeat. They'd fight Papyrus if it came down to it, but they didn't want to. Besides, they were already getting weaker. Frisk's head was beginning to duly pound and their chest felt tight again.

"Brother, why is this human," Papyrus spit the word like a swear, "wearing your jacket."

"They were cold." Sans tenderly pushed the shoulder of his jacket back up Frisk's arm. "Besides, it's snowing outside and they have organs and blood and skin, they actually get cold. Unlike me. I only wear the jacket for show. Frisk needed it more." 

"I still don't understand why you're helping a human, Sans. Especially one this small and insignificant." Papyrus plucked Frisk from the ground, holding them by the hood, so they were eye to eye. "Why not just let me kill the human, save us all the trouble of having to fight it? So much time and energy saved." The hand not holding Frisk began to glow an ominous red.

"Papyrus, you have ten seconds to put Frisk down before I end you." Sans voice was dangerous and deadly, his good eye burning bright blue.

The magic that poured from his hand now enveloped his torso, crowning his skull like a halo and the smile on his face was absolutely menacing. Magic leaked from his bad eye socket, running down his face like tears. It dripped from his hands like ink, hissing as it hit the floor. His entire body was tense, rising just slightly from the floor as his head lolled to one side.

"You know I'll win, Pap. I may only have one defense, but I'm faster than you on my worst day and your attacks hurt a lot fucking less than mine." Sans's voice was low, terrifyingly calm. "Put Frisk down."

"Rather attached to the human, aren't we Sans?" Papyrus dropped Frisk, without the pretense of being gentle. "Very well, you can keep your little pet at least until Undyne finds out about it. Nyeh heh heh." He cackled and the sound was not friendly. "Enjoy it while it lasts, brother."

With that he turned and was gone back into the fog.

"You okay, sunshine?" Sans's voice was shaking and the magic had yet to fade from his eye, making the socket a dizzying blue. 

Frisk stood up, brushing the snow from their clothes. They'd expected the meeting to go something like that, but Sans's reaction had surprised them. They hadn't expected him to be so protective.

'Fine. Thank you. Are you okay?'

"Yeah kiddo, I'm fine." Sans laughed, helping Frisk to their feet. "Come on, let's get moving, there's a long way to go to get you home."

You Are My Sunshine (Undertale)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz