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A/N This story is AU and as a result only kinda follows the Undertale plot line, this is the first chapter in which we really run away from the plot. But regardless, enjoy anyway!

Don't forget to hit me up on youtube and twitter!


Sans woke and blinked groggily, confused as to why he was so warm. Maybe he'd fallen asleep in Papyrus's bed again? He wouldn't be surprised, honestly. His was usually too trashed to sleep in, anyway. Sighing, he rolled onto his back, before sitting up and lighting a quick smoke. 

The room was still dark, so he had no way of knowing he wasn't at home. He was still groggy, the past day's happenings had yet to resurface. For a moment, he sat on the edge of the bed and simply indulged. He knew Papyrus would be screaming at him in a few minutes to put it out, that it was bad for their lungs -though they had none- but for now there was only quiet bliss.

"You smoke?"

Sans jumped, tumbling from the bed in shock. He'd forgotten about the kid. In a flash, the cigarette was gone, leaving only a trailing cloud of smoke from Sans' mouth as any sign it had been there at all.

"Not usually, just in the mornings." He sighed, dragging his hand over his skull. "How do you feel, sunshine?"

"Tired." Frisk signed, before rubbed their eyes. "But better, my chest hurts a little less."

It was true, they were breathing a little easier, though their color had yet to come back fully. Sans was still worried, but he said nothing, simply offering the kid a warm smile. He was growing attached to this little flesh-bag, there was no denying it. Maybe the Underground could be saved and no one had to die. He didn't want to allow himself to hope, but Frisk's was so infectious it was hard not to catch on.

"Oh, that reminds me. We might meet my brother Papyrus again, he's the sentry for the Royal Guard and is supposed to be on the lookout for humans. He's a little... rough around the edges but he is my brother. As long as you're with me, he shouldn't hurt you. Hopefully." Sans' laughed, the sound tight and tense.

Frisk nodded. They had gotten out of bed and were blinking at the light of another day. It wasn't quiet the right kind of light though, this seemed more artificial, like a light in a building. They missed the sunshine and the warmth it brought, but Sans's jacket was warm and smelt like rain and something that could only be described as magic. And hot dogs, the lingering smell of hot dogs. But it wasn't necessarily bad. In fact, it made Frisk feel safe, something about the smell was so horribly familiar, but they couldn't place it. Each time they thought about it, it smelt a little different, like a different jacket, but the same. It was strange.

"You coming, sunshine?" Sans asked, holding open the bedroom door and smiling at Frisk.

Once they were outside, Frisk took the time to study Sans. He was a head taller than they were, with a simple white t-shirt and blue basketball shorts. He was smiling, his left eye faintly blue at the edges. It was leaking blue magic like tears, it was vaguely menacing. But Frisk wasn't scared of Sans, not with the kindness he'd shown. Pink slippers covered his bony feet and his hands were tucked innocently into the pockets of his shorts.

"Here, eat this." Sans handed Frisk an apple, seemingly from nowhere. "You're probably still hungry, huh?"

'Thank you.' Frisk bit into the apple, chewing thoughtfully for a moment. 'What's your brother like?'

"Oh, Pap?  He's a bonehead." Sans laughed. "He thinks the Royal Guard is everything and tries to find humans to help free us all from the Underground. He's kind of crazy about it, thinks if he kills enough humans they'll finally promote him." He noticed the worried look on Frisk's face. "But I'll talk to him, it'll be fine, you'll see."

Frisk nodded hesitantly, continuing to gnaw on the apple in their hand. It was delicious and filling and the ache in their chest lessened a little more as they continued to eat.

"How does a monster harvest a human soul?"

"Jeez, kid. I don't think you wanna know the answer to that." Sans laughed, nervously.

'Just tell me.'

"Well, they have to die.... Human souls are very powerful and, as a result, very useful. They're the only thing that can save us now. That's why there are no humans in the Underground. Asgore had them all killed to harvest their souls. It isn't an easy process and it takes a real toll on you. Especially since most of the humans we come across are children..."

'Can I hold your hand?' 

Frisk's hands trembled as they signed and Sans sighed, realizing he'd frightened them.

"Of course Sunshine." Sans wrapped his bony fingers around Frisk's and smiled suddenly. "Jeez Frisk, your hands are freezing. You must be frozen to the bone."

Frisk's body shook with laughter but they quickly stopped, staring at something hidden just out of sight in the fog. There was the outline of a tall figure in the distance and Frisk squeezed Sans' hand tightly.

"Sans!? Sans is that you!?" Papyrus's voice was sharp in the stillness of the fog and Frisk flinched.

"Yeah Pap, it's me. I have a friend with me, but you can't freak out, okay?" Sans pushed Frisk behind him, his hand filling with blue magic, the same substance trailing from his one good eye socket. "Don't worry kid, this is only in case he panics. Papyrus gets a little attack happy when he's excited." 

Sans turned, offering Frisk what they supposed was supposed to be a comforting smile but in the moment, it was terrifying. Determination flared in their chest, keeping the panic at bay, at least for the moment. Frisk returned Sans smile, clutching the back of his shirt in both their hands.

"A friend, what do you mean!? I've already met most of the monsters in the Underground unless someone else had a baby. Is it a baby!?" Papyrus's voice jumped a few octaves as he got more excited at the idea. "The great Papyrus is amazing wi-"

"No Papyrus, it isn't a baby. It's a human." Sans's magic flared, winding from his skull down his neck, across his shoulder and down to his fingers. "But they're friendly."

Sans was incredibly intimidating, slippers and all, he seemed to radiate power. The magic trailing his body was a vividly bright shade of blue and, though Frisk didn't know it, he was showing off just a little. He wouldn't need nearly this much magic, but the way Frisk was looking at him, he'd use the energy. He liked being looked at with that level of awe, though he tried to ignore the fear in their expression.

"Hello, brother. Did you say, a human?"

"Sup, Pap?"

You Are My Sunshine (Undertale)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें