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A/N If you're following this story, thank you! I know that I usually stick with Septiplier but I am also a HUGE fan of Undertale~! I've been trying (and failing) to find good Papyton and Frisk/Sans fics so if you have any, send them my way! Thank you so much for your support! I <3 you guys!

PS, as this is an AU there will be swearing a LOT of it. I think it is the funniest fucking thing when Papyrus swears, -seriously look it up on youtube, it's great- and I imagine Undyne would swear like a sailor.

Also this isn't my youtube video, it's voiced by the SuperShadic X250 channel and the video is from pshattuckproductions so go look them up on youtube!Seriously though SuperShadic 250 makes some AWESOME Undertale stuff, go look them up!

Also, check out my Papyton story called Cold Coffee for more of your Undertale needs!


"Here we are, princess!" Sans laughed, nudging Frisk's shoulder gently as they approached the Snowed Inn.

The building before them was cheery and quaint, with a hand painted sign that said SNOWED INN in bold, bubbly letters. It was styled similar to a log cabin, -like most of the buildings in Snowdin- and seemed very cheery and warm. Frisk was eager to get inside and rest, they hadn't had a chance to sleep since they're nap at- no. Now was not the time to think of the past. 

"I think you'll like the place, the people who run it are pretty nice, heh." Sans's voice was soothing, and he squeezed their fingers.

Frisk nodded, slightly out of breath and unable to respond. They didn't feel tired, just slightly winded, like they weren't able to drag enough air into their lungs. It wasn't terrible alarming, but a small warning bell was sounding in the back of their head, telling them to be cautious. This was the kind of feeling that wouldn't go away on it's own, it wasn't a random soreness or a one time ick, Frisk had a feeling this was a deeper, darker sickness. But, determination kept them going and they pushed aside the pain as they approached the door to the Inn.

"Here, I got it." Sans opened the door, smirking as he watched Frisk walk in. 

He liked the kid, he realized. Well, obviously he liked them, but the thought of being apart from them made him upset and he shook his head, trying to rid himself of the idea. As much as he liked this human, they were probably going to die. Every human did. He wasn't going to allow himself to be hurt like that. He'd stick with Frisk for a while, but if things got too serious, he'd say goodbye.

"My friend here needs a room for the night, okay?" He dropped some coins onto the counter. "Take good care of them, got it?" He laughed, ruffling the fur on the bunny child behind the counter's head. "I'm counting on you." He winked at the little bunny, making her giggle. 

"Of course Sans, thank you." The mother smiled, patiently. "Second door on the left, sleep tightly, there are extra blankets in the hall closet if you get cold."

Frisk looked to Sans, their lower lip trembling. This was where they were supposed to say goodbye, right? Only, they couldn't. They needed Sans, they needed him. Terror had gripped them suddenly, sending them into a panic attack. Sans was the only friend they had here, what if something went wrong? What if something terrible happened? What would they do? The pain in their chest intensified, causing them to cough, violently. They were suddenly on their knees, unable to keep their balance as they coughed phlegm onto the wooden floor. 

"Frisk!" Sans dropped to his knees beside them, rubbing their back with a worried expression. "Are you okay princess? What's wrong?! Get them some water!"

Frisk tried to tell him they were fine, but they couldn't lift their hand to sign. Their body was rocked with thick, hacking coughs, tears streaming down their face. They forced themselves to take deep breaths, scrambling and clinging desperately to Sans. They couldn't let him leave, he couldn't leave. Nothing would be okay if he left and they couldn't do this on their own. The coughing was starting to subside, but the tears and the panic had yet to.

"Hey, shh, shh it's okay, it's okay."

Sans gathered the human in his arms, taking them up the stairs to the bedroom they'd been allotted for the night. Frisk was still coughing, but it wasn't as bad as before. Sans was still worried about it, and he was quick to scramble into the bed, Frisk tucked snugly against his chest. He briefly panicked, trying to come up with some way, any way, to calm them down. 

"You are my sunshine.... my only sunshine. You make me happy.... when skies are gray. You'll... never know dear... how much I l-.... like you. Please don't take..... my sunshine away...."

Sans had no idea what possessed him to the idea of singing, but it seemed to work. Frisk's breathing evened out and they seemed to be asleep, still tightly curled in his jacket. Sans smiled, slowly trying to untangle himself from Frisk before they woke up.

"Don't go."

Frisk's voice startled him and Sans jumped, sliding back into place next to the human. He rested his skull against the top of Frisk's head and sighed, low in his chest.

"Of course not, princes. I'm pretty comfy anyway." He laughed, the sound a low rumble in his chest. 

Maybe he could stay with Frisk, just for one more day. Just until they got back on their feet and something was done about that cough.

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