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Jadelynn's P.O.V

*3 months later*

I haven't heard from the guys. I hope they are okay. I hope they didn't get caught.

I was lying in bed, on a cloudy, nasty looking Sunday.

I had to work tomorrow. So, I relaxed for the day.

I got hungry, so I went downstairs to fix me something to eat.

I went back upstairs and I got a call.

Sadly, Instead of it being Denis or Sam or any of the boys. It was Alex. She wanted to hang out.

So, I did.

I went down that ally that I was kidnapped in.

I met with Alex, I told her all about the kidnapping. Alex and I both had colored hair. She had green. I have black and purple. I was happy to see my best friend again. But I really missed the guys.

So much stuff reminded me of them.

Alex and I went to our favorite places.

We went to the mall, Hot Topic, we got a bunch of stuff. We went to our favorite place to eat. Outback Steak House. We went to the park. We went to get ice cream. I got a simple single dip of Chunky Chocolate, Alex got a single dip of Mint Vanilla. By the time we were finished hanging out, I was exhausted.

I went home. I sat in bed. I was upset.

*Next Morning*

I woke up to my alarm blasting ATTILA.
"Alright motherfucker listen up.
This is for the fucking homies steady given no fucks. If you wanna join the party put your middle fingers up. And when the music fuckin hits you better JUMP JUMP JUMP"

I got into my black skinny jeans, ripped at the knees. My Pierce the Veil shirt, my black vans, and my beanie.

I walked to work.

I worked at Hot Topic. My closet is basically nothing but band tees, and black skinny jeans.

*after work*

I unlocked my door, went straight upstairs, changed, feed my cat and myself. I went upstairs to my room. I watched Netflix until I fell asleep.

I had a dream.

That was sad dream.

It was about the guys.

Hopefully it's not true..


Thank you guys so much! You reading makes me happy! @gabriellesykes! Thank you again.




Thank you! 

Until Next Time! :P 

Kidnapped By Asking Alexandria *COMPLETED* *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now