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Jadelynn's POV

I walked until my legs hurt. My heart was broke. I didn't think he would say that. The Denis I knew would have beat his ass for that.

I needed to go home. I needed to cuddle my pillow that caught all my tears. But most importantly I needed my Best friend. (Alex)

I was thinking of my mom.


"Mom!!" I cried holding her lifeless body.

"Jay, I love you. I'm sorry. I couldn't..." Her big brownish eyes closed.

I was 16 years old when my mom killed herself, Cause of the abuse my dad would give her.

I remember when I would hear her walking around the kitchen, making dad his sandwich while crying.

When I was 17 years old, My dad became an alcoholic. He beat me just like Nathan.

*End of flashback*

I walked back to the bus.

Denis wasn't there. Only Ben and Sam.

Denis, Cam, and James were gone.

I walked in the bus.

I got my clothes, and packed them. Tonight, I was going to leave. Tonight, I was going to be gone from Denis. Unfortunately, I didn't want to leave Sam, Cameron, Ben and James.

We were in Boston, and I had to get to Dallas.

That was only 24 hours. I googled it.

I sat there on my phone, looking up flights.


Arriving on Monday.

Flights leaves tonight at 11pm.

"Buy Tickets"

I clicked buy tickets, Put in my information. From there I got my plane ticket. I went outside to call Alex.

(A=Alex J=Jadelynn)

J: Hey Alex.

A: Hey Jay.

J: Can you come get me Monday in Dallas?

A: Sure. But why?

J: I'll explain later.

I quickly hung up and ran into the bus.

Denis was walking to the bus. I ran inside, and hide in my bunk.

I quickly fell asleep.

When I woke up, Everyone was asleep. I grabbed my bags and started to the door. Once I was there, I whispered, "Bye" And walked out the door. Yes, I was crying. I was leaving Denis. I was going to get a new start. I was going to get a new house.

I called uber and got a taxi and off I went to the airport.


When I got there I sat waiting for my plane to be called.

"Flight 457 ready to board."

I grabbed my bags and walked to the plane. I got there and got seated.

We took off. This was it. This was going to be a long ride. I took my sleeping pill and went to sleep.


When I woke up, I checked the time. It was 9am. I had gotten 11 messages.

I unlocked my phone to see.

Denis- 5



Denis: Where are you?

Denis: Did you leave?

Denis: Jay?

Denis: Hello?

Denis: Oh, You left. I know what this is about..

Sam: Jay?

Sam: Hello?

Sam: Jay?

Sam: Jay?

Sam: Jay?

Alex: Hey.

I ignored all the messages that Sam and Denis sent.

I texted Alex back.

Me: Hey. I'm only a few hours away.

I sat there. I thought of Denis. When my stomach started hurting.


~2 weeks later~

My stomach has been hurting a lot. I have been throwing up.

I've been sleeping a lot to get my stomach to quit hurting.

My period has been late.

Alex is taking me to the doctor today.

So, I got ready.

I got my long sleeve black crop top, some jean shorts, and my tanish combat boots.

I got dressed and started on my hair.

I brought my hair up in a ponytail. Braiding it back. I made my hair from in a heart shape and pinned it back.

I started to do my eyeliner. I winged it out and winged it out at the bottom to finish the cat eye look.

Alex pulled up and honked. I grabbed my keys and wallet. I locked the house up and walked to the car.

We took off and went to doctor.


We sat in the room.

The doctor walked in.

"Hello." The doctor said.

"Hello." I commented back.

"What seems to be the problem Ms.Bell?"

"I have been having stomach pains." I said.

"Okay. Have you been sexually active lately?"

I told him the truth. 'Yes."

"Okay." He said.

"Let's get a pregnancy test in."

I nodded and he walked out.

He came back in with it and I took it.

~~ After the test came back~~

I stared at Alex..

"This can't be." I said, Lighting crying.

"It is hun." She rubbed my back.

"I-I'm pregnant with his baby."


Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter. 


Sorry about not updating. I've been moving.. and its been Super stress filling.

But thanks for ready! Hope you all have a wonderful day! 

Peace out!!

Kidnapped By Asking Alexandria *COMPLETED* *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now