Chapter 4

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Haruhi had returned in time to recieve customers and Lucy, Erza, and Wendy helped around the club. As for Natsu and Gray, well, they were a different story. "For the last time you cannot undress in the club room or anywhere else for that matter! We represent the schools most elite boys and we cannot have our reputation sullied by acts such as this!" Tamaki proceeded to yell at Gray for stripping for the umpteenth time. Natsu on the other hand was having a hard time sitting still and not pigging out on the snacks provided by the club. "How come he's allowed to eat a bunch of cake and stuff?!" Natsu yekked at the Hitachin twins. "Thats because he's Honey-senpai. No one but Mori-senpai can keep him from cake. If you want to confront him be our guest but we're not showing up at your funeral.~" they said in unison.

This was enough to make Natsu sweat. "He cant be that strong! Look at him! He's so tiny!" Natsu exclaimed in confidence. "He can take out big guys like Mori, as well as an entire swat team and we've even heard he blew up a U.S. military training camp cause they woke him when he had jetlag." they shrugged. At this point he began sweating profusely and the girls around him said things like, "Dont give up Natsu-senpai!" or "Its okay Natsu-senpai, we think your strong!" to console him.

It gave him a boost of confidence as the girls then proceeded to shower him in cakes and cookies.

Lucy just looked on at the two guys and sighed. This was going to be one long mission. She just hoped she could survive.

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