Chapter 5

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It was the day of the show, the week had been an excrutiatingly long one. All from Gray stripping to Erza threatening customers when something or other happened. Lucy sighed, this was the final excursion, after this she could go back home and relax. As much as she liked Ouran Academy, it was a hassle with the rest of Team Natsu there, she might like to come back one day, as a customer.

The stage was set in the Host Club's music room. The act was simple, they just had to preform tricks as entertainment for the crowd. First was Erza, then Wendy, Gray, Lucy, and finally Natsu would close the show.

Erza stepped out onto the stage, pushing down any stage fright that might've built up. She cleared her throat as the room went silent, then shouted, "Requip! Ballade of Ribbon!" as she requiped into the armor she bought for the occasion. It was a long dress, seemingly crafted from thousands of ribbons perfectly sown together, it wasn't as showy as some of her armors (stuff like that wouldn't be allowed in a "school environment") and in her hands appeared two batons with long ribbons attached. The crowd cheered loudly as she led the show with a beautiful ribbon dance.

Next was Wendy. She set up the stage by scattering hundreds of cherry blossom petals across the stage. Curious, the crowd began to whisper and question. Then, slowly as Wendy used her magic, the petals began to slowly dance into the air in a spiral. Various oohs and aahs rose from the crowd as Wendy continued making shapes and movements with the petals. Then she proceeded to scatter the blossoms across the crowd like small falling diamonds in the dim light, and finally brought them back with her magic to then be placed in a bucket on stage. The crowd was silent and Wendy was starting to think maybe she should've chosen something more extravagant, but then the crowd jumped up with applause, flattering the small dragon slayer as she walked off stage.

Then came Gray, as he walked on stage half dressed (Tamaki dragged him back and made sure that Gray made a point to keep his clothes on the entire show) He put on a eye catching performance with his ice as he made different designs, including a rose as tribute to the club. He finally ended with a light snow over the crowd, enough to be seen and enjoyed, but not enough to make a mess.

Lucy was overjoyed, she now had the chance to show people her amazing magic, and they would enjoy it. She walked on stage with her Star Dress, Leo. She created a dazzling line of light with Regulus, seemingly drawing on the air. She created designs and lit up the room. The crowd whistled and clapped as she continued to dance with the light on stage. She ended with a brilliant gleam of light that spelt out, "Ouran High School" and walked off stage as the crowd soaked up all the amazement.

Next was... Natsu. Lucy winced as she remembered, 'Oh Mavis help us. Please don't let him wreck this for us.' she sighed, hoping she hadn't just jinxed them. Natsu walked on stage with a huge grin plastered to his face as he waved to the crowd. He started with something small, he juggled small flames starting with three. He had surprisingly good juggling skills, even though he was Natsu. By the end of his show he had sent a full scale dragon made of fire over the heads of the crowd and had it fly around the room. Surprisingly, nothing caught on fire. Lucy breathed a sigh of relief, for once they could have the FULL reward.

The customers had left and the club had made an amazing profit. "That was brilliant you guys! You actually do know magic! I knew it!!!" Tamaki fangirled at them as they got ready to leave. Honey-senpai sat on Mori-senpai's shoulders as he placed orchid flower necklaces around their necks, "You did great you guys! You deserve cake! Not my cake of course, but maybe-" Honey-senpai continued to ramble on until Natsu started sniffing weirdly. Haruhi walked over to him, "What's the matter, Natsu-senpai?" Natsu's face contorted until he faced away from everyone and let out a gut wrenching sneeze that shot fire at the stage.

It took about 2 minutes for it to burn to the ground, Gray just barely able to put it out.

Guess how much the stage cost.....


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