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The mystery man grabbed me by my hair and threw me down on the bed. I lay very still. I could feel his hot breath on my neck, and it made me squirm. “Stop moving!” He growled at me, and I complied. He kissed along my jawline then down my neck to my collar bone. He nipped and sucked on it causing me to stifle a groan. He slid one of his hands underneath my shirt, tugging and teasing my nipples causing them to harden and perk under his touch. Suddenly, he was licking, sucking, and nibbling on one while grinding his leg against my semi-hard erection. I could feel his pressing against my thigh. I shook my head in disgust. ‘Why is this turning me on?! William is going to hate me now…’ I thought to myself as more tears leaked from my eyes. He started to pull down my pants, and I struggled against him, kicking and flailing my legs. I didn’t want this. He slapped me across the face hard, and I whimpered in pain. “I told you once not to move. Do it again, and the punishment is going to be a lot worse than that you little slut.”

I let him take off my pants and briefs. I hated myself for this. “Looks like you don’t hate this as much as I thought you would. Your previous masters must’ve trained your body well.” I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. He flipped me over and bent my knees so my ass was in the air and my face was pressed into the bed. I felt his finger rubbing my entrance softly, and I pinned my ear back against my head. He pushed it in without any lubrication and I winced at the stinging pain. He wiggled it around a bit then started thrusting it in and out slowly before adding a second finger. I bit my lip and squeezed my eyes shut from the pain. He started to scissor the muscle apart and continued to move his fingers in and out. “You’re so tight…” He sharply took in some breath before continuing. “I can’t wait to bury myself inside you.” I started shaking from the fear. Quickly he removed his fingers and I heard the sound of his pants unzipping. He placed the head on his length against my entrance and leaned down, whispering into my ear, “Get ready little wh-“

There was a loud bang from across the room. “What the fuck are you doing Ezekiel?!” I heard William scream. Suddenly, the man, I assumed, who had been assaulting me hit the ground with a loud thunk. All I could hear was groaning and growling. Obviously, William was in a fist fight with who I assumed to be Ezekiel, and from the sound of it he was winning.

“Don’t you EVER, EVER touch Drake again, or I will see to it that you are publicly executed. If the state won’t do it, then I’ll HAPPILY do it myself!” He spat out. I smiled as best as I could against the tape over my mouth. The room went silent, and I realized I was alone. I could hear faint noises from downstairs, and I decided to lie down on the bed. I heard the door open and I froze. A pair of arms were wrapped around me, and I quickly relaxed. It was William. “I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry… I shouldn’t have left you alone...” It sounded like he was crying. I snuggled into him as best as I could and let my tears fall freely. I had never been so happy to be near my master before. He undid the blindfold, and I blinked against the harsh light. Then, he removed the tape that was over my mouth. I took a deep breath, thankful to finally be able to get enough oxygen into my lungs. He tilted my chin up, and placed a soft kiss on my lips. This time, I made sure to kiss back. When he pulled away I opened my eyes and his were still closed. “I’m sorry…” He whispered. I leaned up and kissed him quickly.

“It… It’s not your fault. Please don’t be upset… William…” I mumbled his name out shyly and looked away. My hands were still bound, and I was trying to cover up my erection with my tail. I could feel the bush covering my cheeks. He hugged me to his chest. “C-can you untie my hands..?” I whispered. Very efficiently he undid the knots. I quickly covered up my crotch in embarrassment. He chuckled softly.

“Would you like me to help you with that?” He whispered sexily into my ear, and I shivered. Not from disgust this time but because the sound of his voice turned me on. I debated it in my head for a second then nodded. “I’ll help you out on one condition… Drake, will you be my lover, and not my slave?” He said that very timidly.

“Yes…” I whispered.

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