Odin and Kain - Chapter 1

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***A/N Hello everyone! I have spoke with my editor and I will not be able to upload anymore of Slave on Wattpad, but I will be able to upload a side story to Slave that will appear later on in the series. So, here you all go. I appologize for how short it is, but I will be updating again later today. Enjoy!***

Kain's POV

I stood in the middle of the ring, the bright lights shining down on me impairing my vision. When I looked out where I assumed the audience was all I could see was a black abyss staring back at me. I pinned one of my ears against my head, sticking the other one out in an attempt to hear anything at all. The silence was deafening, obnoxious. My small, bushy tail was trembling, as were my hands, and I just stood there, shoulders slumped, knees bent slightly, a naked, shaking mess. It seemed like hours I was up there alone in the spotlights with only my thoughts.

Not soon enough, some men came and took me out of the spotlight, replacing me with a tall wolf-child. I was a deer, a buck more specifically. Although, I looked more like a doe, because my antlers had yet to come in. The men took me to a room that was empty except for many crates, cuffs, collars, and other assorted items of the trade. The pure-blood with the bald head placed a red leather collar around my neck, cinching it up much too tightly for my taste. I wasn’t going to complain though. I knew better than that. My training had taught me to keep my head down and to not speak.

He attached a chain to my collar and jerked me roughly forward. I gasped from surprise and lost my balance slightly. The other men left, leaving me with the bald one. He drug me out of the room into the sunlight, something I had experienced only a few times, to a man who was much larger than I was. He had shaggy black hair, a slight shadow of a beard along his chin and jawline, but the thing that stood out the most were his cerulean blue eyes. When he spoke I was mesmerized by the smooth sound of his voice and the way words just seemed to roll from his mouth in an extremely confident manner.

“I can take it from here.” He spoke to baldy. I kept my head down.

“Yes, sir, you shouldn’t have any trouble with him. Thank you for your purchase.” Baldy handed my chain leash over to the young, mystery man. Baldy went back into the building, leaving me with him. He turned his back to me and ever so gently he tugged on my leash and started to walk forward. I followed behind him in silence.

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