16: Tear It Apart

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16: Tear It Apart

“You have blood on you, Zayn. You can’t walk into the hotel like that. They’ll think you’re a murderer or something. You have to change before we go inside,” AJ tells him sternly. 

Zayn rolls his eyes. “It’s not like they’ll notice,” he mutters, digging in his pocket for his wallet. 

“You can’t walk in there looking like that,” she repeats. “Don’t you have clothes?”

“Yeah, but I don’t want to get them.”

“Zayn,” she pleads looking at him with wide eyes. Even though it’s dark, he can still her bright eyes begging him. 

He sighs. “Alright, fine,” he says in defeat. He groans and puts his wallet, phone and lighter in the cup holders. 

AJ smiles and leans over the console to kiss his cheek. “Thank you.”

He just smiles at her and turns the car off, handing her the car keys to hold. “What do you suggest I wear?” He asks her. 

“Anything clean.”

He playfully rolls his eyes at her smart ass answer. “C’mon, get out so you can get your things, too,” he says to her as he opens his door. She follows behind him, twirling the car keys on her finger until he asks for them again. 

“So Andy gave me a bag of everything he could fit in a bag,” Zayn explains as he opens the trunk.

“If he packed my bag then I probably have nothing to wear,” she mutters, pulling a bag out of the trunk and putting it down on the ground. 

Zayn chuckles. “I think his girlfriend packed it,” he says, pulling another duffle bag forward and opening it.

“Did you meet her?” she asks, suddenly interested because she didn’t get to meet her that night a few weeks ago. 

Zayn shakes his head as he digs through his bag. “No, he wouldn’t even tell me her name,” he tells her. “I honestly though me and your brother had a special bond,” he jokes. “But he’ll probably tell you.”

“I’ll call him later,” she tells him.

He nods and continues looking for something to change into. He pulls out a clean red t-shirt and a pair of black basketball shorts. “Is this suitable?” he asks her. 

“Red and black? Those just scream gang colors,” she tells him. 

He laughs and closes his bag. “I don’t think anybody around here is going to think I’m in a gang, babe,” he tells her, putting his bag on the ground and closing the trunk. “Grab my stuff from the front while I change,” he says, handing her the keys. 

“You’re going to change out here?” she asks him as he starts taking his shirt off. 

He stops and looks at her. “Yeah… Is there something wrong with that?”

“You’re just going to change out in the open?” she asks.


“But somebody might see you,” she tells him.

He looks around at the dark parking lot and then back at her. “Like who?”

“I don’t know,” she says quietly. “Why don’t you just change in the car?”

He laughs. “I think I’ll be fine,” he says. “Just get my stuff so we can go inside because I’m tired as hell.”

She sighs and does as asked. She grabs his wallet, phone and lighter and then locks the car again. She returns to him kicking off his shoes. “I don’t understand how you can just change all out in the open,” she tells him.

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