26: Going Through the Motions

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26: Going Through the Motions

Hamilton looks at Zayn curiously. “What did you do for him?”

Zayn leans forward on the table a bit more, looking him in the eyes. “I started out just delivering and then I moved up to selling and collecting money.”

“For how long?”

“Like five years or so.”

Hamilton leans back in his seat. “So, why are you telling me this?”

“Isn't there like a Good Samaritan law? Can't I not get locked up for telling you all this?”

He smiles, leaning back in his seat. “I do enforce that law. So you boys are telling me all this so that you can protect the others that may cross his path and not for revenge?”

The four of them nod. “I just want to live in peace. I’m tired of his shit,” Zayn says to him.

“Alright, I’ll see what we can do,” he says. He stands and the other boys stand, shaking his hand before he leaves the room. He tells them to stay put and he was going to talk to another officer in the undercover department.

“You think he’s going to help?” Andy asks.

Harry shrugs. “He can’t not help.”

Andy nods, sitting back in his seat as Zayn speaks up. “What happens if I do this whole thing doesn’t even work? What happens if…”

“Don’t,” Harry stops him right away. He already knew what he was going to say. He was going to ask what happens if he dies, but Harry refuses to let him think like that because he refuses to let his innocent best friend die over this.

Zayn sighs as Hamilton walks back into the room. “We’ll need you all to fill out some paper work for us. Follow me, please.”


“So, how long have you and Zayn been dating?” Deanna asks AJ.

They were sitting in the living room, eating from bowls of cereal as they wait for the boys to return. AJ swallows her food and grabs the remote from the table in front of her. She flicks on the TV as she answers with a laugh, “Too long.”

Deanna laughs. “I completely understand. It feels like I’ve been dating your brother for years when it’s only been a few months.”

AJ smiles at her. “Andy's a different story. He's more of a handful. I've been with Zayn for almost five years now. That is if you count his jail time.”

“He was in jail?” She asks, sounding surprised. 

AJ nods. “For three years.”

“What did he do?”

“You know how they all went down to the station?”

Deanna nods.

“Well, about three years ago, he broke up with me because he wanted to protect me and the man who is suppose to be my father, shot Zayn when Zayn was trying to protect me from him. It's a long story, but long story short, even though he saved my life, he got busted for having a gun on him that wasn't registered, or whatever.”

“Wow, that's messed up.”

“Tell me about it.”

Deanna frowns. “So, how long has he been out?”

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