30: I'm Yours

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30: I'm Yours


AJ wakes up to the sound of her own heart beating. She sits up in a panic, freaking out because she’s in the hospital and last she remembers, she was in a car with Harry and that Mike guy on the phone with Zayn.

 Holy shit, Zayn. 

AJ frantically hits the call button on the remote hanging from her hospital bed. She hits the button about ten times before a nurse comes running into her room.

 "Sweetie, calm down," the nurse says. "It's alright, I'm here," she says, getting AJ to stop.

 "Why am I here? What happened?" AJ asks quickly.

 The nurse goes over to her bed, checking the screen next to her bed. "You had a panic attack and then passed out," she tells her. "And because of your situation, we sedated you, to calm you down. So you've been out for a couple hours now."

 "A couple hours?" AJ practically screams. "Where is Zayn, my fiancé?"

 "There are a few people in the waiting room," she informs her, not answering her question. "I'll go get them, you just stay here and stay calm for me, please." She smiles at AJ and the leaves the room.

 She takes a few deep breaths. Why couldn't she just answer? 

 Harry walks into the room a few minutes later. "Hey," he smiles at her, "how are you feeling?"

 She closes her eyes and rubs her eyes. "Pretty shitty," She tells him. "What the hell happened and where is Zayn?"

 "Well, you passed out," Harry tells her, pulling over a chair to her bed. "And I got to ride in an ambulance for the first time."

 She rolls her eyes. "Harry, where is Zayn?"

 "Well," he starts, leaning back in his seat, "he is doing a few things, but he should be here soon."

 She lets out a sigh of relief she's felt like she's been holding in for years. "So he's okay?" she asks, trying to confirm.

 "He said he'll explain everything when he gets here," Harry tells her. "Andy should be back soon, too. He went to get your m-"

 "Well, looks who's up from her nap!" Andy announces as he walks into the room, cutting Harry off.

  AJ smiles at him and he leans down to give her a hug. Their mother follows behind, along with Liam. They all exchange hellos and hugs. For a short period of time, AJ is distracted from anything Zayn related.

 About twenty minutes later, the nurse walks back in with a clipboard. She smiles, greeting everybody in the room and stands at the end of AJ's bed. "Whenever you are ready, you can go home. Officer Mike said to discharge you as soon as you were awake and well. However, I just strongly recommend that you take it easy for the next couple days. You've been under a lot of stress and it isn't good for your health," she explains. "Do you have any question?"

 AJ shakes her head. "No." 

 She nods and unhooks AJ from the machine, taking the clip off her finger and taking the sticky pads off her chest. 

 "Thank you so much."

 She smiles. "No problem, I hope you feel better, sweetie," she says sweetly before leaving the room.

 AJ gets up, stretching her legs before going over to grab her clothes. She hops across the cold floor and goes into the bathroom to change.

 She changes and washes her face before exiting the bathroom. She hop back over to her bed and puts her shoes on. Andy had gathered all her personal belongs, so by the time AJ is ready, they are all set.

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