17: Almost Got It Right

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17: Almost Got It Right

Zayn stares at her, holding his hard, emotionless expression. "What?" He asks, keeping his voice down.

"I kissed him. I kissed him today before you came to get me. I didn't mean to, I swear. It meant nothing to me."

He shakes his head at her. "If it meant nothing, why didn't you just tell me?"

"Because I thought you would get mad and-"

He puts his hand up to stop her. "Save it," he tells her as he stalks over to his bag, grabbing out a pair of jeans and then leaving the room, slamming the bathroom door shut.

AJ stands in shock. There is no way that just happened. She was just trying to be honest with him and he freaked out. Well, okay maybe it wasn't the whole truth because Aston did kiss her, but she couldn't let Zayn know that, he'd kill him.

Zayn storms out of the bathroom and tosses his shorts at his bag, not even caring that he completely missed. He walks over to the nightstand and grabs the room key, shoving it in his pocket as he puts his shoes on.

"Zayn, what are you doing?" AJ asks as she watches him.

"I can't be around you right now."

His words are like a stab in the heart to her and she suddenly starts crying. "What? But, Zayn, can't we talk about this? I'm sorry, I really am, Zayn, please," she begs as he starts towards the door. She tries to grab his arm, but he pulls away.

"Stop, okay? Don't touch me," he tells her without looking at her. He can't bring himself to look at her because he doesn't want to see her crying. He's only witnessed it a few times, but this time he can't comfort her because that would make all of this pointless.

"Zayn, please," she begs. "I'm so sorry, I-"

"I have to clear my head. Don't follow me," he tells her before opening the door, leaving and slamming the door behind him.

The second the door slams closed, AJ really breaks down. This is worse than when he broke up with her. At least last time, he broke up with her. This time he just left without a word of what is going to happen between them.

She just stands there for a minute with tears streaming down her face while she tries to figure out what to do. She could call somebody to try to stop him, but everybody she knows is hours away. She could call Harry or Andy, but they wouldn't be much help. Both of them would probably flip a shit if they found out he just left. Harry would freak because he would be worried of Zayn violating his parole and Andy would freak because how dare he leave his little sister like that.

Without thinking, she runs to grab her phone from her bag. Through her blurry vision, she tries calling Zayn. She calls him over and over again, losing count of the amount of times she's hit the call button on her phone next to his name. Zayn doesn't answer any of her calls. She knew he wouldn't answer. It was a stupid idea for her to even try calling him. He was probably half way home by now.

"I'm so stupid," she mumbles to herself as she wipes her face on his shirt. God, it smells just like him. "I shouldn't have told him. I should've known he was going to get mad," she tells herself.

Her self pity is interrupted by her phone buzzing in her lap. She jumps, thinking it's Zayn, but it's not. It's the person who started all of this- Aston. She sighs, wiping her face again and then opening his message.

Yeah, I'm fine. It was a mistake, I shouldn't have kissed you. I'm sorry. I just hope this doesn't mess up our friendship...

She buries her face in her hands. Maybe she should've ordered the alcohol before. What's she suppose to reply to that? "Haha, yeah we can still be friends since Zayn just left me because I told him the truth! But whatever, who needs him?"

Of course she couldn't tell him that. It would make him feel bad knowing Zayn left because of him or he would try to find her and that is the last thing she needs right now. She could see it all play out in her head. Aston would show up as she calms down and then Zayn would return to see them, getting the complete wrong idea and he would just leave again.

She sighs and types a reply to him. Erasing and retyping it a million times before finally hitting send.

I need some advice and I can't ask my brother because he would flip. Can I call you?

It only takes a few minutes for her phone to start ringing in her lap. She takes a few deep breathes before she answers it.

"Hello?" she says weakly.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Aston asks softly. He probably already knew something isn't right. It wouldn't make sense for her to call him if everything was okay. She would talk to Zayn or her brother, not him.

"It's Zayn," she whispers as if he is watching her. "He left."

"What?" Aston asks, raising his voice.

"He left. I told him how we kissed, but I told him that I kissed you and he left and I-"

"Why did you tell him you kissed me? I kissed you. Why did you tell him it was the other way around?"

"Because he might try to hurt you and-"

"If you wanted to tell him truth, you should've told him the whole truth. If he comes after me, I can defend myself, you know that," Aston tells her. "Why would you lie?" he asks curiously. "I know you kissed me back, but still."

"I don't know," she says quietly. "I just didn't want him blaming you when it was clearly all my fault."

"It was actually all my fault because-"

"I could've pushed you away and I didn't. It was my fault."

"But I kissed you when I knew you had a boyfriend. It's okay, you can blame me all you want, it's fine."

"No, Aston. God, why can't you just let me take the blame," she says in frustration. "This is all my fault. If it wasn't for me none of this would've happened. If only I would've let him break up with me five years ago. He would've moved on and he wouldn't have almost died and there wouldn't be somebody trying to kill me because of it. Maybe I wouldn't be failing at school right now because I've missed like two weeks. And maybe I wouldn't be running from a man who is suppose to care about me but only wants me dead. Maybe I would have a normal life. Maybe Zayn would be happier. Maybe I-"

"AJ!" Aston yells into the phone, trying to stop her.

"What?" she snaps.

"Just stop for a minute and listen to me, okay?" he tells her sternly.

She nods but he can't see her, so she stays silent waiting for him to continue.

"I can almost guarantee you if it wasn't for you, he probably would've been dead a long time ago, okay? So you need to stop blaming yourself for everything. It's not all your fault. You just have to calm down because you freaking out isn't going to solve anything."


"AJ, stop," he warns. She sighs but doesn't say a word. "I know it sucks right now, but it's going to be okay. Just trust me."

"But what about Zayn?" she asks him. "He was really mad. You didn't see the look on his face. I've never seen him like that. He looked so," She pauses as his face flashes through her mind, "broken..." She says quietly as if she doesn't even want to hear it.

"He'll come around," he tells her. "You just have to give him time. He just needs space right now. Anybody would if they found out their fiancé was with somebody else, even if it was just a kiss."

She squeezes her eyes shut. "I'm horrible," she tells him in a whisper, barely audible.

"Hey, it's okay, it's my fault remember? You just have to tell him the truth when he gets back. Just put all the blame on me, okay?"

"But I can't do that to you, Aston," she says, wiping away a few tears that have slipped from her eyes. "He's scary when he's mad. He almost killed some kid who tried hitting on me and you kissed me, imagine what he would do to you. I can't let that happen, I just can't."

"What are you talking about he almost killed somebody?"

"We stopped to get food and he left me alone to go order and while he was gone, some asshole decided him and his stupid friends would try flirting with me and shit. Anyway, when I tried to get away, the kid grabbed me and I screamed for Zayn," she explains.

"So he just kicked his ass right there?"

"No, well, we left and we were sitting in the car and he asked me if I was alright and the stupid kids threw a cup at the window and Zayn got out and-"

"Alright, I get it now," he says, stopping her. "But I mean, I doubt he would come after me. If he comes back they'll know he's here. He wouldn't risk it."

She wants to believe him, she really, really does. But in the back of her head, she has a horrible idea that Zayn wouldn't care if Sonny found him and killed him. It was that look on his face. This look she's never seen before so she doesn't even know how to begin to explain it.

"But what if he doesn't come back?" She asks him. "What if he just leaves me here?"

"You know he wouldn't do that no matter how mad you made him," he assures her.

"But his face," she whispers, "he couldn't even look at me."

Aston sighs, not really knowing what else to do or say. "Listen, why don't you just go to sleep. It's late and you're probably really tired. Just eat or drink something and then go to sleep. He should be back soon. And when he gets back tell him to take everything out on me, okay?"


"AJ, please, for me?"

"Fine," she says with an exhausted sigh. "I'll eat all by myself and then I'll go to sleep all by myself."

"Do you want me to come get you?" He asks, feeling even more guilty.

"No, no, I'm fine," she tries to assure him. "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me, okay? I'm going to go now. I need to keep the line clear in case Zayn tries calling me," she tells him, trying to make herself believe it herself.

"Alright, night. Tell me if you hear anything from him or if anything happens," he tells her.

"I will. Thank you, Aston, by the way."

He chuckles into the phone. "You're welcome. Now get some sleep," he tells her. "Night."

"Goodnight," she says before she hangs up.

Once she ends the phone call, she does as he asked. She eats and then clears the bed, leaving the left-overs in the box and then putting it on the small coffee table. Once that is done, she crawls into the empty bed and buries herself under the blankets, holding her phone tightly in her hand, hoping and praying Zayn would call.


At around 4:30 AM, AJ's phone wakes her up with an obnoxious ringing. She untangles herself from the blankets and reaches for her phone, which somehow ended up on the floor. She rubs her eyes, slightly blinded by the bright light. She answers the phone with a sleepy hello?

"Hey, baby," a familiar voice slurs into the phone.

"Zayn?" AJ asks, sitting up in the bed.

"That's my name," he says. "I'm Zayn and you're AJ," he shouts into the phone.

"Zayn, where are you? You've been gone for almost two hours," she tells him.

"I went to get a drink," he tells her. "I needed to let off my steam and I almost got into a fight and the guy was all like: Sir, you need to leave! and I told him I wasn't leaving because I can't drive home. So what are you doing, baby?"

"Zayn you haven't drank in like seven years," she tells him. "Why are you drinking now?"

"I told you, I needed to let off some steam."

She sighs. "Where are you?" she asks, turning on the lamp next to the bed.

"I can't tell you, you'll try to find me if I do."

"That's the point, Zayn."

"Nah, there are too many creeps in this town. I don't need you going out alone, babe."

"Zayn, tell me where you are or I'll try to find you."

"I don't know where the hell I am," he says. "All I know is this bartender is a jackass."

"Zayn, can you put him on?" she asks as nicely as possible.

"Fuck no."

"Zayn, please?" she begs. "You're really worrying me. Please, Zayn." He sighs and there is a ruffling in the background and shouting before a deep voice says hello?

"Hi, do you work there?" she asks.

"Unfortunately," he mutters.

"Can you give an address, please? I'm going to come pick up my boyfriend," she explains to the man.

The man groans. "Well, you better hurry up and get here because I'm not going to baby-sit his ass for much longer," he tells her before he gives her an address.

"Thank you, I'll be there as soon as I can. Just don't leave him alone or let him drink anymore, please, he's not really stable."

"Fine, whatever," he mutters. "Just hurry up," he tells her before hanging up.

She sighs, putting her phone down and grabbing the hotel phone. She dials the main extension, asking for a number to a cab company. Once she calls for a cab, she changes, grabs her phone, wallet and the address that she scribbled on a piece of paper and leaves the hotel room, praying that Zayn didn't lose the room key on his drunken night.


There you have it.

Zayn left and got wasted while AJ talked to Aston and now she's going to find him. This is exciting.

I bet you guess won't guess what happens next... I think drunk Zayn is going to be fun.

Comment, vote and fan and I will love you forever and ever. :)

In the gif on the side, Zayn is wearing that sexy, tight red shirt and it makes my heart hurt. okbyenow.

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