10. Never Say Never

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dedicated to steamyharry

This chapter is for the girls who can relate to it and especially for a very precious girl named VICTORIA.
Watch out guys, in a few years or months or maybe days you are gonna watch her walking down the VS runway. She will open the show. She'll win the fantasy bra. She'll own the show. You are gonna see her on the covers of Vogue. She'll be modeling for Zuhair Murad (my fav :D), VS, Balmain, Versace, Puma, Valentino, Dior, Marc Jacobs, Dolce and Gabbana, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Coco Chanel, Burberry, Ralph Lauren, Givenchy, Vera Wang, Stella McCartney, Roberto Cavalli, Karl Lagerfeld and many more.


Thank You.
---Zainab Hera :)


So first of all Vicky, I would like to give you a nickname. Ummm.....lemme think...... yeah got it....I'll call you ANGEL.


I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile
You've never loved your stomach or your thighs
The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine
But baby you're perfect
I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape
You never want to know how much you weigh
You still have to squeeze into your jeans
But you don't know you're beautiful
That's what makes you beautiful.

Okay I guess I should stop with the 1D references. That's enough 1D references. :D :D :D

This is for ANGEL and all the girls out there who are being criticized even though they have the ideal height, ideal face and the perfectly ideal body.

Listen here and listen good, you've the perfect body. And honestly ANGEL when I saw your mirror selfie the first thought that came to my mind was Gosh!!!!! She's so fooking ( ;p ) perfect, I wish I had a body like that. I'm not lying. I'm stating the truth.

In your life you are going to be let down, criticized and degraded many times. No matter whatever field you are going to choose, this is going to happen. That's when you will be tested. Not only you but your self-esteem and confidence will be tested. That's when you'll have to prove yourself.

You have to show it to the world that you are capable and you are the most deserving. You see, success doesn't always come to you, you have to go towards it and sometimes you have to fight for it.

First step to achieve your goal is NEVER GIVE UP. You will be turned down by a lot of people. You will be rejected saying you are ineligible for this post or job. People won't give you work and you will have to struggle. Don't give up. Keep struggling. I don't need to give examples of famous people because every famous person had to face a lot of problems before getting to the position they are at now.

As ANGEL is a directioner like I so I would say that the example of One Direction is enough. They didn't do well as solo artists but they did magic as a band but they had to struggle for that too. Each of them had to struggle. They never gave up.

So ANGEL and all my readers, never give up on your dreams. You will regret it later in your lives if you give up on the thing you wanted to do the most.

Second step is dealing with CRITICISM. First of all criticism is something that can't be ignored completely. The thing with criticism is that it can make you or mar you in a second but it depends on you on how you take it.

Remember, never ignore criticism completely and never let it effect you so much. Pay attention to positive criticism and work on it. Ignore negative criticism because it will just depress you. Haven't you heard Change Your Life by Little Mix.
"You are not the only one so let them criticise. "

Remember that never let people effect you. Even your loved ones are gonna underestimate you. So you'll have to prove it to them and the world that they underestimated you. You'll have to work hard for that. Never let people's harsh words hurt you and your self-esteem. Keep your morale up.

Third step to achieve your goals is WORK HARD. I know all of you work hard for your dreams but that's not enough because there is so much competition everywhere. Work harder. Work hard like there's no tomorrow.

And now ANGEL this is specially for you. So listen to me with your eyes, ears, heart and brain wide open. Stop comparing yourself to Kendall Jenner. I know you idolize her but that doesn't mean you have to compare yourself to her. You look like her, you resemble her but believe me I am not lying you are gorgeous and more beautiful than her. You are beautiful. More beautiful than her. Trust me when I say that you are much better than her. You know that she always has makeup artists at her beck and call. She has her own team of makeup artists which also includes a very experienced dermatologist that's why she has a flawless skin and you also know that she's a Kardashian/Jenner and you also know that they get shoots and whatever easily as compared to other models. They do work hard, no doubt, they work hard too but they don't have to work as hard as other models have to. They get more credit than they should get. Kendall is getting her own 52 pages issue of Vogue. Like seriously? Naomi Campbell???? She didn't get one.

That's my opinion. Everyone has their own opinion and views. And I think and believe that you are more beautiful and you are far much better than Kendall or any other model, no, you are the best. Yes ANGEL, you are the BEST.

Just don't give up please. I want to see you on the covers of magazines and I want to see you in magazines. I want to see you slaying the runways. And I'll tell everyone that I know this celebrity I once wrote a chapter for her, she's awesome and she's so sweet. DO NOT GIVE UP, i repeat, DO NO GIVE UP. I am not giving up on you so you better don't otherwise I'll hunt you down and make you work hard for your dreams. And one more thing I'm gonna be your biggest fan. Your super fan. :)

Listen ANGEL, don't give up, don't lose hope, don't let people's harsh words effect you. Work hard, concentrate, focus on what you need. Your goal is yours and no one can take it from you and if someone does , then work hard and snatch it back from that goal stealer. Never Say Never. Work, work, work and work till you succeed but also don't over work. Take breaks. Concentrate. Set your goals and believe me you are going to be a successful model one day. (Amen)


Finally an update. It's a 1247 words chapter.
So how was it my Angel Vicky??? I tbh am so scared and nervous. I'm not even lying. I'm scared and nervous. I just hope that you like it. And Vicky I repeat you honestly are so gorgeous. I don't know about other people but for me you are goals. You are the best.

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