Your Cross

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So many bad choices.

For so many years.

I sit here in complete angst.

Swallowing my fears.

I can feel the darkness reaching out for me.

The grief is like the joker

Laughing hysterically

I focus on a corner of the room and tell it where to go.

People just hurt me.

They love me and they leave me.

There claws dissect me.

I know you can hear me.

I wear your cross around my neck, it's so shiny.

It shines.

I feel like it's mine.

The world beckons at its every step.

It always eases my mind.

Please ignore my awkwardness.

Please forgive my many flaws.

Whenever I descent Lord.

Could I please represent?

Make an impact?

Maybe make a dent?

As I embark on another day, the sunlight embraces your cross with a kiss.

And all the dark following behind me is automatically dismissed.

It's hard to catch my breath in the midst.

I've never felt true love like this.

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