My Horror Movie.

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Round peg.
Square hole.
Here I stand, watch me go.
Headphones in.
The world goes black.
When I sleep.
shadows attack.
6'7 Slender man
I think your gone Your back again.
Big clown shoes
Your IT the clown, but you Carry ballons around.
No one would guess behind the red nose.
But then again Anything goes.
Keep calling me a bitch
I'm not amused.
U think u rule.
I watch you sink.
I can smell your black liver.
But you don't think.
Its 5 o clock somewhere.
Have another drink.
Hateful words.
Echo in my head.
Alone Again
strapped to my bed.

I can hear your bones crack and cringe
From the off settling shape of your grin.
Like the gentlemen.
Cutting out my heart.
There smiles cling to there skulls like
Xenomorphs they eat out all your humanity.
And leave you to drain.
As you Viciously go after me.
Like a dragon you  slay.

Your like Chucky with that wicked laugh
Running after me Madly with sharp knife In hand.
Determined to cut me up
Or just end me like Jason
And F### me up.
But I trip trying to get away
And while unconscious
Freddy makes my day.
But I am not Samara
And this is not The ring
I refuse to drown in the well.
That you  pushed me In.
My dried up bones will float to the surface
And God will make me whole again.

Its Five o clock somewhere
So go have another drink.
Imagine me strapped down in your bed.
Imprisoned And controlled
If it helps you sleep.

But here I am Living and  smiling everyday.
At your  defeat.

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