My theory

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My theory for the end of the CoD Zombies storyline will be...

1) The new original guys are going to gather all of the original guys souls in the Summoning Key and revive them back into their universe to get the cycle right. But in the end they will still do Richthofen's ultimate plan... And doom the new originals to do their process again.

2) It is all a dream that Samantha Maxis is having. She has a very vivid imagination to make a whole story up in here head. She pictured their adventures and phrases. But she will be in her teen years, instead of her younger self. (She might have had a great childhood, and hates her teen years)

3) Samantha is in a coma and all that is happening is in her head. (Kind of like the dream theory) This works because throughout the entire game, she is begging the players to free her... Take her away from the darkness, and end the voices inside her head. This is extremely possible.

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