I haz the power!!!

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  If I could turn any of my friends into CoD characters, who would I turn into who?

    I'm going to do some real friends. Sorry Wattpad guys, but these were my original bros.

    Chad: Capt. Price; because he calls us all his cunts and is a great person to die beside. Plus he never usually dies in any CoD game, so he's pretty much immortal like Price himself.

    Austin: Nikolai Belinski; he's the only one who uses drugs.... That's why.

    Trey: Albert Arlington; He is always singled out in our friend group. It's what we do. We don't hate the guy, but we say we do. Love ya Trey! <3

    Chandler: Edward Richtofen; He has a troubled past and is extremely memey. Won't go into detail of his problems, but his close friends know he shares a lot of similarities with the doctor.

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