Question for the Tank-ster

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    What are your feelings towards your comrades? (The hidden ones)

Tank: I hate Richtofen, can't stand Nikolai much, and kinda hate Takeo

Me: *punches his arm* THERE HAS TO BE MORE THEN THAT!

Tank: FINE! I don't trust Richtofen... Most of the time. He hasn't killed me yet, so there's some trust right there. Nikolai, well, he's cool and all but his stench makes me gag... From 20 feet away. And Tak... Who is he again? Is that quiet fuck that no one cares about? Well, I barely know him but I guess he's a good shot. For a Jap.


Newer Demps;

Tank: Richtofen is definitely up to no good!... But I have a little respect in him. He's dragging us around, but for the purpose of giving our younger selves a better life. I really need to thank him for that! Nikolai has got balls. We need balls. Especially when Richtofen is screaming about the smallest things, and Takeo is off somewhere. He's got my back, and in this shit I really need that. Now, Takeo... He's okay. Not much of a talker or a joker, but still a furious fighter! Put a gun in his hands and watch the blood fly... But I'm a little jealous of his sword skills. How badass would it be to see a Marine with a long sword, slashing through freakbags?!

Q n' A and Random ShitOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora