Field Trip!!

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    What would you take with you on a field trip to god knows where?

Tank: A gun... Duh

Older Tank: I was gonna say that!

Little Tank: ... Maybe an action figure? I think it'll be a long ride

Richtofen: Probably something to eat. I know no one else will do that, so I will!

Older Richtofen: I'm taking your spleen... Watch where you sleep next time my other self!

Little Richtofen: I'll take my best friend Samantha! I love playing with her!

Nikolai: .... The car keys. Why am I trust behind the wheel?!

Older Nikolai: Because you're not drunk like me... And have you seen the водка I was taking on this trip?

Little Nikolai: I'll take my journal. I like to write, so I might start with entries about our trip

Takeo: I'll take my patience. My ancestors know that I'll need it for this... Being stuck in a car with five whining kids and two other selves of everyone!

Older Takeo: A book. What's you expect? I'm the boring one...

Little Takeo: .... I don't know! A teddy bear? Sure... I'll go with that.

             Ummm... I guess that's it?

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