Analepesis B

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When Runa found Xeri, she was by the statue of Maeve Sigeweald, the Champion of Cyrodill, the hero of the Oblivion Crisis, and Elspeth's ancestor. Xeri was contemplating the last ten years and trying to figure out exactly where she went wrong.

"Do you think that Elspeth is inspired by her?" asked Xeri. She didn't look at Runa; she just crossed her arms and stared forward.

Runa could tell that Xeri felt disheartened and so she took a deep breath and tried to think of something encouraging. She paused for several moments and finally said, "No." Runa knew, better than anyone else, that while Elspeth understood her family's history, she felt little, if any, affinity with her legacy.

Xeri looked at her sharply with her lips pursed and brow furrowed. But she couldn't hold the look. As defensive as she felt momentarily, she knew that Runa was right. She dropped her head and sighed. To Runa she looked defeated and Xeri Tharys did not accept defeat.

"What's on your mind Xeri?" asked Runa.

"I'm at a loss," she responded. "I don't know what to do with her." There was a long silence but Runa was patient. This conversation was long overdue. Xeri continued, "You know, I remember the day that Elspeth was born. Nirn shook below my feet and there was joy. Bedyn and Evangeline had not had a joyous day in so long."

Every word seemed to be chosen carefully; Xeri was not a sentimental woman. Runa nodded slowly, offering nothing more than gentle encouragement. She knew that this had to be incredibly difficult.

"That night I went to sleep and I woke to a vision, just like the ones my mother and grandmothers described to me as a child. It was so clear to me then, that Elspeth was special. Important. That she would play a pivotal role—a healing role." Xeri paused and looked intently at Runa, "Did you know that I was never supposed to have the gift of vision?"

Runa didn't know this. She was quite familiar with rest of the story, but Xeri wasn't inclined to call her talents into question. Other people's, yes; but not her own. Runa shook her head cautiously. Xeri trusted her and it was clear that she needed to confide in someone. But Runa also knew that one wrong glance, one misspoken word could turn Xeri's vulnerability back to her stone cold warrior posture.

"I knew that her path was different from Evangeline's. I knew that I needed to prepare her," she continued. "And so we brought her here." Runa realized that Xeri was taking stock of the last decade. "We've worked so hard—all of us. Until this point, I was absolutely certain about every decision right down to the type of combat and magic training." She stopped and stared forward again.

"She has the skills she needs." Runa spoke very deliberately. "Now she needs an objective. She doesn't feel inspired by her legacy because she doesn't have purpose."

"I thought what happened at Arcane University was the sign, the trigger that would set it all in motion. But Titus Mede, once again, just bent over and took it from his Thalmor puppet masters. I was left—nay, we were left with a young women full of rage and sadness." Xeri's voice was cracking and Runa thought she might cry. "And so I did the only thing I knew, I brought her to the mountains and tried to exorcise her pain with combat training." She paused and asked, "Do you think I made a mistake?"

Runa considered this carefully. To say that she approved wholeheartedly of Xeri's methods would be a lie. Regardless of this, however, Xeri was good at what she did. She created warriors and Elspeth was on her way to becoming a remarkable one.

"You are a good mentor, Xeri. Elspeth is well trained." Runa had never before felt the need to reassure Xeri. But she had watched the Dunmer's confidence and composure dwindle in the months since she had returned from Morrowind—from a trip she had hoped would give her some clarity. She had remained unwavering toward Elspeth and her training, but Runa could sense her growing anxiety. "What did the wise woman tell you?"

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