Chapter 11: Madmen Play on Words

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This chapter is dedicated to the memory of my Grandpa Joe.


They decided to stop for the night in Windhelm. Lydia wanted to break up the long carriage ride and Elspeth hoped to see Ralof. The weather turned very cold, very suddenly as they approached the city and Elspeth was envious of Lydia whose natural cold resistance made her impervious to the winter winds. Once again, she was immensely grateful for the cloak the Idolaf had given her and she wrapped it around tightly as she and Lydia disembarked the carriage by the stables and made their way over the immense stone bridge. By some accounts, Windhelm was the oldest city in Skyrim and Elspeth was overwhelmed by the old stone walls and archways as they walked up to the entrance.

As they walked into the city, Elspeth saw two large Nord men who appeared to be harassing a Dunmer woman. As they approached, they could hear one of the men shouting, "You come here where you're not wanted, you eat our food, you pollute our city with your stink and you refuse to help the Stormcloaks."

"But we haven't taken a side because it's not our fight," she protested.

"Maybe the reason they haven't taken a side is because they are all imperial spies," said the other.

"Imperial spies!" she responded in disbelief. "You can't be serious."

"Maybe we'll pay you a visit tonight, little spy. We got ways of finding out what you really are."

Elspeth was furious for this woman. She looked at Lydia whose eyes were angrily fixed on the men. They stepped up their pace to confront them but before they could, another large Nord pushed himself between the two men. "Rolff, I think your brother is looking for you." He wasn't much taller than either of them but in his armor, he was far more imposing. The men glared at him but after a moment they backed down and walked away slowly, still scowling at the Dunmer woman.

"Thank you, Brunwulf," she said.

"Take care Suvaris," he replied as he shifted his gaze toward Elspeth and Lydia. He narrowed his eyes and asked Lydia, "You one of those 'Skyrim for the Nords' types?"

"What?" Lydia was taken aback at the question, "Of course not! I think Skyrim should welcome everyone."

"And you're right, at least as far as I'm concerned." Brunwulf looked at Elspeth and smiled, "Listen, don't let Ulfric or some of these other short-sighted Nords bother you. Most of us are happy to welcome newcomers." He extended his hand, "I'm Brunwulf Free Winter."

"I'm Elspeth and this is Lydia of Whiterun," she said they shook his hand.

"You two look resourceful. Are you looking for work by any chance?"

"Sure," responded Lydia, "We could always use a little more coin."

"A group of bandits raided a nearby Dunmer settlement and Jarl Ulfric can't be bothered to do anything about it," explained Brunwulf. "They're at Uttering Hills Cave."

"We'll take care of it first thing tomorrow morning," said Lydia.

As they walked on to Candlehearth Hall, Elspeth turned to Lydia and said, "You know, when I was younger, I used to comfort myself by thinking that not all Dunmer were like Xeri. But when I see something like that, I wish they were. Xeri would have cut that prat's head right off."

At the tavern they got a room for the evening, where they left their bags, and changed out of their armor before heading upstairs. The upper level had tall ceilings and a large stone fireplace on which a candle—said to have been lit centuries before and never burned out—sat. The hall was full and Elspeth was pleased to see, despite the confrontation earlier, that the crowd comprised both men and elves.

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