Chapter 6

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A lot has happened since.

Alessia's been helping me so much with answering our friends' questions about me taking a semester break. Because I had to take care of too many things in the shortest time.

First, it was that many to handle, that I didn't have time to drive them five celebrities back to the airport. Alessia had to do it by herself, because the day they flew home was also the day I got to do my visa application interview at the U.S. Embassy.

Second, I decided to go home and meet my parents for a quick 24 hours yesterday. Of course a late night interview session was held. I used my time to take what's left in my room that would come out handy on tour.

Third, school deal. Though Alessia has helped me to make sure I got full and official permission for this break, some consequency was however still applied. Perhaps, by the time I came home, Alessia and all my classmates would pass this level we're having already - and require me to redo this semester with those freshmen where I left off.

Yeah I guess, that's life.

"Can't believe you're going on tour." Alessia helped me with the backpack.

"Can't believe you kick me out from this room."

"Hahaha. Damn girl, this is for your own good. For a greater future." She smiled. "Look. I know you're confused and scared. That's what future comes along with."

"Uncertainty." I answered to myself.

"They love your writings. There must be something about it, that you now should believe in."

"Overwhelming, Less. Not that I'm unhappy with this. Wow, I'm beyond grateful right now, but..."

"What were the odds of you getting picked out of the rest of population?" She took her laptop and asked me to sit. "This is why."


"It's called Wattpad."

"Yeah I freaking know it, as the website header says." I slapped her arm softly. "You did this? This whole time?"

"I got one on my phone too." Alessia giggled. "Honey, it's never been about mom asking baking soda. It's been me stealing paragraph after paragraph from your journal and make it happen."


"Don't give me that groan."

I hugged her. "No, no groan. I want to do this."

"Aww, you're welcome, I guess?" She laughed in a mocking tone but I knew she loved me.

"Come with me. Let's do this together. Not that your writings are bad."

"Nah... I learn something in life, Arina. People can't catch the same thing when it's meant for one person only. This is for you. You won the competition. I can't go pursue the same thing when I know it's for you. Dear, I'll have my own."

"Come, be my roommate."

"That, my friend, will not even happen. How I suppose to say to the Embassy? Sir, my friend asked me to be her roommate; is that it?"

And we laughed. Hard. Last day in Malaysia before departure tomorow midnight. I laughed over the fact that I had no way out. I was freaking scared. The misfit, remember? This whole different timezone stuff already told me crystal clear that I probably would never have a time to chat with my parents and Alessia on daily basis. Those amazing people that the McDonough called crew, how would they like me? I was different. I was not one of them, and never would be. There's this solid wall between us that made my parents hard to let me go, before I finally convinced them about a future career.

I'm a muslim.


"Morning, sunshine! Time to shower!"

Still, for one last time, Alessia's high pitch woke me. First thing I noticed was the smell of...

"You made pancakes?"

"Waffles!" She smirked. "Don't even question it. I can cook too, alright."

"Smells good."

"Thanks. One treat for a future New York Times' best selling author."

"Whaaaat a word." I rolled my eyes but smiled afterward. "Hold that thought. Shower first."

"Ten minutes! If you're late five seconds, all this goodness will be gone."

With that warning, I took my towel and showered. Today was a mourning day. I decided to go nowhere. And glad we - or should I say Alessia, because I currently was not a student anymore - didn't have class. We would have an afternoon walk later around the campus area. But this morning, I wanted to collect every memory with her and our little bubble.

"Time check, eight minutes something." She glared me. "Okay have a seat."

"Where did you cook this?"


"Downstairs? Wow, that's very much thoughtful."

"What? This is a party, I suppose. I don't want to see you cry or daydream again of how your life would work in there anymore. So a coffee and waffles party it is."

"You're so sweet."

"After all these years, you just realized?"

Alessia's jokes made me forget things. Yeah cliche but it happened. I decided to trust the uncertainty. That I wanted to cherish my few more hours in this sunny city, before another chapter started.

"I got an interview call." Alessia broke the silence tone.

"From who?"

"Your parents."

"Oh my." I gasped. "Are they mad?"

"On the contrary! Hahaha. Kidding about the interview, Ari. But yeah we should consider there will absolutely be one. They invite me for a dinner with your cousins."

"Ah, enjoy that."

"What? I love your cousins."

I smiled. "I give them to you. Feel free to come home at anytime you want."

"Damn straight yes. Perks of having the farthest home."

This whole facts brought me to tears but I denied it. Be it. Making a difference is always hard. Oh wait, see what I did there.

We finished breakfast. Next thing was Alessia's crazy idea to drag me outside earlier than planned. We met our professors, including the one who gave me an A.

One last tour around the neighborhood, before one new tour around the unknown.

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